Compute Engine

The CortexJS Compute Engine is a JavaScript/TypeScript library for symbolic computing and numeric evaluation of mathematical expressions.

The Compute Engine is for educators, students, scientists and engineers who need to make technical computing apps running in the browser or in server-side JavaScript environments such as Node.

console.log("e^{i\\pi} =", ce.parse("e^{i\\pi}").N().latex);
const expr = ce.parse("(a+b)^2");
console.log(["Expand", expr]).evaluate().latex);
const lhs = ce.parse("2x^2 + 3x + 1");
const rhs = ce.parse("1 + 2x + x + 2x^2");
console.log(lhs.latex, lhs.isEqual(rhs) ? "=" : "≠", rhs.latex);

Note: To use the Compute Engine you must write JavaScript code. This guide assumes you are familiar with JavaScript or TypeScript.

The CortexJS Compute Engine manipulates math expressions represented with the MathJSON format.

The Compute Engine can:

Getting Started

The easiest way to get started is to load the Compute Engine JavaScript module from a CDN.

Using JavaScript Modules

<script type="module">
  import { ComputeEngine } from 

  const ce = new ComputeEngine();
  // ➔ "-1"

The ESM (module) version is also available in the npm package in dist/compute-engine.min.esm.js

Using Vintage JavaScript

If you are using a vintage environment, or if your toolchain does not support modern JavaScript features, use the UMD version. You can load the UMD version by using a <script> tag.

For example, WebPack 4 does not support the optional chaining operator, using the UMD version will make use of polyfills as necessary.

The UMD version is also available in the npm package in dist/compute-engine.min.js

<script src="//"></script>
  window.onload = function() {
    const ce = new ComputeEngine.ComputeEngine();
    // ➔ "-1"

Other Versions

A non-minified module which may be useful for debugging is available in the npm package as dist/compute-engine.esm.js.

MathJSON Standard Library

The identifiers in a MathJSON expression are defined in libraries. The MathJSON Standard Library is a collection of functions and symbols that are available by default to a ComputeEngine instance.

Arithmetic Add Multiply Power Exp Log ExponentialE ImaginaryUnit
Calculus D Derivative Integrate
Collections List Reverse Filter
Complex Real Conjugate, ComplexRoots
Control Structures If Block Loop
Core Declare, Assign, Error LatexString
Domains Anything Nothing Numbers Integers
Functions Function Apply Return
Logic And Or Not True False Maybe
Sets Union Intersection EmptySet
Special Functions Gamma Factorial
Statistics StandardDeviation Mean Erf
Styling Delimiter Style
Trigonometry Pi Cos Sin Tan

In addition to the built-in definitions from the MathJSON Standard Library you can also add your own definitions.

You can also customize the LaTeX syntax, that is how to parse and serialize LaTeX to MathJSON.