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You can perform editing operations on the mathfield programmatically. For example, to insert a fraction when the user clicks a button.

You can do this by dispatching commands to the mathfield, such as "select-all", "move-to-next-char", "delete-backward", etc...

To dispatch commands use the mf.executeCommand() method.


To associate commands with virtual keyboard keycaps use the command property of the keycap definition. For example:

"class": "action",
"label": "Delete",
"command": 'perform-with-feedback("delete-backward")'

Commands are identified by a string called the selector.

The selector can use either CamelCase or kebab-case syntax. For example: "moveToNextChar" or "move-to-next-char" are the same selector.

Most commands take no parameters. When a command does have a parameter, a tuple with the selector and the commands arguments can be passed to executeCommand(). For example:

mf.executeCommand(["insert", "(#0)"]);

The command above will insert an open and close parenthesis around the selection (the #0 sequence is replaced with the current selection).

Editing Commands

  • insert This selector takes two arguments. The first one is required and is the content to be inserted, as a string. The second one is an optional set of key value pairs:
    • insertionMode: one of "replaceSelection", "replaceAll", "insertBefore" or "insertAfter".
    • selectionMode: one of "placeholder" (the selection will be the first available placeholder in the item that has been inserted), "after" (the selection will be an insertion point after the item that has been inserted), "before" (the selection will be an insertion point before the item that has been inserted) or "item" (the item that was inserted will be selected).
  • delete Synonym for deleteNextChar
  • deleteBackward deleteForward
  • deleteNextWord deletePreviousWord
  • deleteToGroupStart deleteToGroupEnd
  • deleteToMathFieldEnd
  • deleteAll
  • transpose

Edit Menu

  • undo
  • redo
  • cutToClipboard
  • copyToClipboard
  • pasteFromClipboard

User Interface

  • commit The user has completed input. Triggered when pressing the RETURN or ENTER key.
  • switchMode
  • complete Exit command mode and insert result
  • nextSuggestion and previousSuggestion when the popover panel is selected, display the next/previous suggestion
  • toggleKeystrokeCaption Show/hide the keystroke caption panel. This panel displays the keys being typed, including the shortcuts. Great for demos!
  • toggleVirtualKeyboard Show/hide the virtual keyboard


  • scrollToStart
  • scrollToEnd
  • scrollIntoView
  • moveToNextChar moveToPreviousChar
  • moveToNextPlaceholder moveToPreviousPlaceholder
  • moveToNextWord moveToPreviousWord
  • moveToGroupStart moveToGroupEnd
  • moveToMathfieldStart moveToMathfieldEnd
  • moveUp moveDown
  • moveToSuperscript moveToSubscript
  • moveToOpposite
  • moveBeforeParent moveAfterParent

Extending the Selection

  • selectGroup
  • selectAll
  • extendToNextChar extendToPreviousChar
  • extendToNextWord extendToPreviousWord
  • extendUp extendDown
  • extendToNextBoundary extendToPreviousBoundary
  • extendToGroupStart extendToGroupEnd
  • extendToMathFieldStart extendToMathFieldEnd


  • addRowAfter addRowBefore
  • addColumnAfter addColumnBefore
  • removeRow removeColumn


  • speak This selector takes an optional argument, the string that determines what should be spoken. The valid values are:
    • all
    • left
    • right
    • selection
    • parent
    • group
    The second parameter determines whether what is being spoken should be highlighted. It is an object: {withHighlighting: boolean} (default is false). Note: highlighting currently only works when using Amazon's AWS speech synthesizer.