Compute Engine API Reference

module compute-engineClasses

interface BoxedBaseDefinition

interface BoxedBaseDefinitionProperties / Methods

interface BoxedBaseDefinitiondescription

  • | string
  • | string[]

interface BoxedBaseDefinitionname: string

interface BoxedBaseDefinitionreset()

reset(): any

When the environment changes, for example the numerical precision, call reset() so that any cached values can be recalculated.

interface BoxedBaseDefinitionscope: undefined | RuntimeScope

The scope this definition belongs to.

This field is usually undefined, but its value is set by getDefinition()

interface BoxedBaseDefinitionurl: string

interface BoxedBaseDefinitionwikidata: string

interface BoxedDomain

interface BoxedDomainProperties / Methods

Dictionary Expression

Domain Properties

Expression Properties

Function Expression

Numeric Expression

String Expression

Symbol Expression


Primitive Methods

Relational Operator

Dictionary Expression

Domain Properties

Expression Properties

Function Expression

Numeric Expression

String Expression

Symbol Expression


interface BoxedDomainisCompatible()

isCompatible(dom: BoxedDomain | DomainLiteral, kind?: DomainCompatibility): boolean

True if a valid domain, and compatible with dom kind is ‘“covariant”’ by default, i.e. this <: dom

interface BoxedDomainisFunction: boolean

interface BoxedDomainisNumeric: boolean

interface BoxedDomainbase: DomainLiteral  read only

interface BoxedDomaincanonical: BoxedDomain  read only

interface BoxedDomainctor: null | DomainConstructor  read only

interface BoxedDomainjson: Expression  read only

interface BoxedDomainparams: DomainExpression<SemiBoxedExpression>[]  read only

Primitive Methods

Relational Operator

interface BoxedExpression

Extended by BoxedDomain, Pattern


The BoxedExpression interface includes most of the member functions applicable to any kind of expression, for example get symbol() or get ops().

When a member function is not applicable to this BoxedExpression, for example get symbol() on a BoxedNumber, it returns null.

This convention makes it convenient to manipulate expressions without having to check what kind of instance they are before manipulating them.

interface BoxedExpressionProperties / Methods

Dictionary Expression

Domain Properties

Expression Properties

Function Expression

Numeric Expression

String Expression

Symbol Expression


Primitive Methods

Relational Operator

Dictionary Expression

interface BoxedExpressiongetKey()

getKey(key: string): undefined | BoxedExpression

If this expression is a dictionary, return the value of the key entry.

interface BoxedExpressionhasKey()

hasKey(key: string): boolean

If this expression is a dictionary, return true if the dictionary has a key entry.

interface BoxedExpressionkeys

  • | null
  • | IterableIterator<string>

The keys of the dictionary.

If this expression not a dictionary, return null

interface BoxedExpressionkeysCount: number

Domain Properties

interface BoxedExpressionisAlgebraic: undefined | boolean

The value of this expression is a number that is the root of a non-zero univariate polynomial with rational coefficients.

All integers and rational numbers are algebraic.

Transcendental numbers, such as \( \pi \) or \( e \) are not algebraic.

interface BoxedExpressionisComplex: undefined | boolean

The value of this expression is a number, but not NaN or any Infinity

isReal || isImaginary

interface BoxedExpressionisExtendedComplex: undefined | boolean

isReal || isImaginary || isInfinity

interface BoxedExpressionisExtendedReal: undefined | boolean

Real or ±Infinity

isReal || isInfinity

interface BoxedExpressionisImaginary: undefined | boolean

The value of this expression is a number with a imaginary part

interface BoxedExpressionisInteger: undefined | boolean

The value of this expression is an element of the set ℤ: …,-2, -1, 0, 1, 2…

interface BoxedExpressionisNumber: undefined | boolean

true if the value of this expression is a number.

isExtendedComplex || isNaN = isReal || isImaginary || isInfinity || isNaN

Note that in a fateful twist of cosmic irony, NaN (“Not a Number”) is a number.

interface BoxedExpressionisRational: undefined | boolean

The value of this expression is an element of the set ℚ, p/q with p ∈ ℕ, q ∈ ℤ ⃰ q >= 1

Note that every integer is also a rational.

interface BoxedExpressionisReal: undefined | boolean

The value of this expression is real number: finite and not imaginary.

isFinite && !isImaginary

Expression Properties

interface BoxedExpressionisComposite: undefined | boolean

interface BoxedExpressionisEven: undefined | boolean

interface BoxedExpressionisFinite: undefined | boolean

This expression is a number, but not ±Infinity and not NaN

interface BoxedExpressionisInfinity: undefined | boolean

The numeric value of this expression is ±Infinity or Complex Infinity

interface BoxedExpressionisNaN: undefined | boolean

“Not a Number”.

A value representing undefined result of computations, such as 0/0, as per the floating point format standard IEEE-754.

Note that if isNaN is true, isNumber is also true (yes, NaN is a number).

interface BoxedExpressionisNegative: undefined | boolean

The numeric value of this expression is < 0, same as isLess(0)

interface BoxedExpressionisNegativeOne: undefined | boolean

The numeric value of this expression is not -1.

interface BoxedExpressionisNonNegative: undefined | boolean

The numeric value of this expression is >= 0, same as isGreaterEqual(0)

interface BoxedExpressionisNonPositive: undefined | boolean

The numeric value of this expression is <= 0, same as isLessEqual(0)

interface BoxedExpressionisNotZero: undefined | boolean

The numeric value of this expression is not 0.

interface BoxedExpressionisOdd: undefined | boolean

interface BoxedExpressionisOne: undefined | boolean

The numeric value of this expression is not 1.

interface BoxedExpressionisPositive: undefined | boolean

The numeric value of this expression is > 0, same as isGreater(0)

interface BoxedExpressionisPrime: undefined | boolean

interface BoxedExpressionisZero: undefined | boolean

The numeric value of this expression is 0.

Function Expression

interface BoxedExpressionnops: number

If this expression is a function, the number of operands, otherwise 0.

Note that a function can have 0 operands, so to check if this expression is a function, check if this.ops !== null instead.

Note applicable to canonical and non-canonical expressions.

interface BoxedExpressionop1: BoxedExpression

First operand, i.e.this.ops[0]

Note applicable to canonical and non-canonical expressions.

interface BoxedExpressionop2: BoxedExpression

Second operand, i.e.this.ops[1]

Note applicable to canonical and non-canonical expressions.

interface BoxedExpressionop3: BoxedExpression

Third operand, i.e. this.ops[2]

Note applicable to canonical and non-canonical expressions.

interface BoxedExpressionops

The list of arguments of the function, its “tail”.

If the expression is not a function, return null.

Note applicable to canonical and non-canonical expressions.

Numeric Expression

interface BoxedExpressionnumericValue

  • | null
  • | number
  • | Decimal
  • | Complex
  • | Rational

Return the value of this expression, if a number literal.

Note it is possible for numericValue to be null, and for isNotZero to be true. For example, when a symbol has been defined with an assumption.

Conversely, isNumber may be true even if numericValue is null, example the symbol Pi return true for isNumber but numericValue is null. It’s value can be accessed with .value.numericValue

interface BoxedExpressionsgn

  • | undefined
  • | null
  • | 0
  • | 1
  • | -1

Return the following, depending on the value of this expression:

  • -1 if it is < 0
  • 0 if it is = 0
  • +1 if it is > 0
  • undefined this value may be positive, negative or zero. We don’t know right now (a symbol with an Integer domain, but no currently assigned value, for example)
  • null this value will never be positive, negative or zero (NaN, a string or a complex number for example)

Note that complex numbers have no natural ordering, so if the value is a complex number, sgn is either 0, or null

If a symbol, this does take assumptions into account, that is this.sgn will return 1 if isPositive is true, even if this expression has no value

String Expression

interface BoxedExpressionstring: null | string

If this expression is a string, return the value of the string. Otherwise, return null.

Note applicable to canonical and non-canonical expressions.

Symbol Expression

interface BoxedExpressionisValid: boolean

true if this expression or any of its subexpressions is an ["Error"] expression.

Note applicable to canonical and non-canonical expressions. For non-canonical expression, this may indicate a syntax error while parsing LaTeX. For canonical expression, this may indicate argument domain mismatch, or missing or unexpected arguments.

interface BoxedExpressionsymbol: null | string

If this expression is a symbol, return the name of the symbol as a string. Otherwise, return null.

Note applicable to canonical and non-canonical expressions.


interface BoxedExpressionN()

N(options?: NOptions): BoxedExpression

Return a numeric approximation of the canonical form of this expression.

Any necessary calculations, including on decimal numbers (non-integers), are performed.

The calculations are performed according to the numericMode and precision properties of the ComputeEngine.

To only perform exact calculations, use this.evaluate() instead.

If the function is not numeric, the result of this.N() is the same as this.evaluate().

The result is in canonical form.

interface BoxedExpressionbaseDefinition: undefined | BoxedBaseDefinition

For symbols and functions, a possible definition associated with the expression. baseDefinition is the base class of symbol and function definition.

Note undefined if not a canonical expression.

interface BoxedExpressioncompile()

compile(to?, options?)
to?: "javascript"
optimize: ("simplify" | "evaluate")[];
undefined | (args: Record<string, any>): any

interface BoxedExpressioncomplexity: undefined | number

Expressions with a higher complexity score are sorted first in commutative functions

Note undefined if not a canonical expression.

interface BoxedExpressiondescription

  • | undefined
  • | string[]

An optional short description if a symbol or function expression.

May include markdown. Each string is a paragraph.

Note undefined if not a canonical expression.

interface BoxedExpressionengine: IComputeEngine

The Compute Engine associated with this expression provides a context in which to interpret it, such as definition of symbols and functions.

ComputeEngine is the class that implements IComputeEngine.

interface BoxedExpressionerrors: BoxedExpression[]

All the ["Error"] subexpressions

Note applicable to canonical and non-canonical expressions.

interface BoxedExpressionevaluate()

evaluate(options?: EvaluateOptions): BoxedExpression

Return the value of the canonical form of this expression.

A pure expression always return the same value and has no side effects. If expr.isPure is true, expr.value and expr.evaluate() are synonyms.

For an impure expression, expr.value is undefined.

Evaluating an impure expression may have some side effects, for example modifying the ComputeEngine environment, such as its set of assumptions.

Only exact calculations are performed, no approximate calculations on decimal numbers (non-integer numbers). Constants, rational numbers and square root of rational numbers are preserved.

To perform approximate calculations, use expr.N() instead.

The result of expr.evaluate() may be the same as expr.simplify().

The result is in canonical form.

interface BoxedExpressionfreeVariables: string[]

All the identifiers (symbols and functions) in the expression that are not a local variable or a parameter of that function.

interface BoxedExpressionfunctionDefinition: undefined | BoxedFunctionDefinition

For functions, a possible definition associated with the expression.

Note undefined if not a canonical expression or not a function.

interface BoxedExpressiongetSubexpressions()

getSubexpressions(head: string): BoxedExpression[]

All the subexpressions matching the head

Note applicable to canonical and non-canonical expressions.

interface BoxedExpressionhas()

has(v: string | string[]): boolean

True if the expression includes a symbol v or a function head v.

Note applicable to canonical and non-canonical expressions.

interface BoxedExpressionhead: string | BoxedExpression

All boxed expressions have a head.

If not a function this can be Symbol, String, Number or Dictionary.

If the head expression can be represented as a string, it is returned as a string.

Note applicable to canonical and non-canonical expressions. The head of a non-canonical expression may be different than the head of its canonical counterpart. For example the canonical counterpart of ["Divide", 5, 7] is ["Rational", 5, 5].

interface BoxedExpressionisConstant: boolean

True if the expression is a constant, that is a symbol with an immutable value

interface BoxedExpressionisExact: boolean

An exact value is not further transformed when evaluated. To get an approximate evaluation of an exact value, use .N().

Exact numbers are:

  • rationals (including integers)
  • complex numbers with integer real and imaginary parts (Gaussian integers)
  • square root of rationals

Non-exact values includes:

  • numbers with a fractional part
  • complex numbers with a real or imaginary fractional part

interface BoxedExpressionisNothing: boolean

If this is the Nothing symbol, return true.

Note applicable to canonical and non-canonical expressions.

interface BoxedExpressionisPure: boolean

If true, the value of the expression never changes and evaluating it has no side-effects. If false, the value of the expression may change, if the value of other expression changes or for other reasons.

If this.isPure is false, this.value is undefined. Call this.evaluate() to determine the value of the expression instead.

As an example, the Random function is not pure.

Note applicable to canonical and non-canonical expressions.

interface BoxedExpressionjson: Expression

MathJSON representation of this expression.

Note applicable to canonical and non-canonical expressions.

interface BoxedExpressionmatch()

Attempt to match this expression to the rhs expression.

If rhs does not match, return null.

Otherwise return an object literal.

If this expression includes wildcards (symbols with a name that starts with _), the object literal will include a prop for each matching named wildcard.

If rhs matches this pattern but there are no named wildcards, return the empty object literal, {}.

Note applicable to canonical and non-canonical expressions.

interface BoxedExpressionrank: number

Return 0 for a scalar, 1 for a vector, 2 for a matrix, > 2 for a multidimensional matrix. It’s the length of expr.shape

interface BoxedExpressionreplace()

replace(rules: BoxedRuleSet, options?: ReplaceOptions): null | BoxedExpression

Transform the expression by applying the rules: if the lhs of a rule matches, it is replaced by its rhs.

If no rules apply, return null.

See also subs for a simple substitution.

Note applicable to canonical and non-canonical expressions.

interface BoxedExpressionscope: null | RuntimeScope

The scope in which this expression has been defined. Is null when the expression is not canonical.

interface BoxedExpressionshape: number[]

The shape describes the axis of the expression. When the expression is a scalar (number), the shape is []. When the expression is a vector, the shape is [n]. When the expression is a matrix, the shape is [n, m].

interface BoxedExpressionsimplify()

simplify(options?: SimplifyOptions): BoxedExpression

Return a simpler form of the canonical form of this expression.

A series of rewriting rules are applied repeatedly, until no more rules apply.

If a custom simplify handler is associated with this function definition, it is invoked.

The values assigned to symbols and the assumptions about symbols may be used, for example arg.isInteger or arg.isPositive.

No calculations involving decimal numbers (numbers that are not integers) are performed but exact calculations may be performed, for example:

\( \sin(\frac{\pi}{4}) \longrightarrow \frac{\sqrt{2}}{2} \).

The result is in canonical form.

interface BoxedExpressionsolve()

solve(vars: Iterable<string>): null | BoxedExpression[]

interface BoxedExpressionsubexpressions: BoxedExpression[]

All the subexpressions in this expression, recursively

Note applicable to canonical and non-canonical expressions.

interface BoxedExpressionsubs()

subs(sub: Substitution<SemiBoxedExpression>, options?: {canonical: boolean}): BoxedExpression

Replace all the symbols in the expression as indicated.

Note the same effect can be achieved with this.replace(), but using this.subs() is more efficient, and simpler.

Note applicable to canonical and non-canonical expressions.

interface BoxedExpressionsymbolDefinition: undefined | BoxedSymbolDefinition

For symbols, a possible definition associated with the expression.

Note undefined if not a symbol

interface BoxedExpressionsymbols: string[]

All the symbols in the expression, recursively

Note applicable to canonical and non-canonical expressions.

interface BoxedExpressionunknowns: string[]

All the identifiers used in the expression that do not have a value associated with them, i.e. they are declared but not defined.

interface BoxedExpressionurl: undefined | string

An optional URL pointing to more information about the symbol or function head.

Note undefined if not a canonical expression.

interface BoxedExpressionwikidata: undefined | string

Wikidata identifier.

Note undefined if not a canonical expression.

interface BoxedExpressioncanonical: BoxedExpression  read only

Return the canonical form of this expression.

If this is a function expressin, a definition is associated with the canonical expression.

When determining the canonical form the following function definition flags are applied:

  • associative: \( f(a, f(b), c) \longrightarrow f(a, b, c) \)
  • idempotent: \( f(f(a)) \longrightarrow f(a) \)
  • involution: \( f(f(a)) \longrightarrow a \)
  • commutative: sort the arguments.

If his expression is already canonical, the value of canonical is this.

interface BoxedExpressiondomain

get domain(): undefined | BoxedDomain

The domain of the value of this expression.

If a function expression, the domain of the value of the function (the codomain of the function).

If a symbol the domain of the value of the symbol.

Use expr.head to determine if an expression is a symbol or function expression.

Note: if non-canonical or not valid, return undefined.

Modify the domain of a symbol.

Note: If non-canonical, does nothing.

interface BoxedExpressionisCanonical: boolean

If true, this expression is in a canonical form.

Note applicable to canonical and non-canonical expressions.

interface BoxedExpressionlatex: string

LaTeX representation of this expression.

The serialization can be customized with ComputeEngine.latexOptions

Note applicable to canonical and non-canonical expressions.

interface BoxedExpressionvalue

get value(): undefined | string | number | boolean | number[]
set value(undefined | string | number | boolean | Decimal | Complex | BoxedExpression | number[] | {im: number; re: number} | {denom: number; num: number})

Return a JavaScript primitive representing the value of this expression.

Equivalent to expr.N().valueOf().

Only the value of variables can be changed (symbols that are not constants).

Throws a runtime error if a constant.

Note: If non-canonical, does nothing.

Primitive Methods

interface BoxedExpression[toPrimitive]()

[toPrimitive](hint: "string" | "number" | "default"): null | string | number

Similar toexpr.valueOf() but includes a hint.

interface BoxedExpressionis()

is(rhs: unknown): boolean

From Equivalent to BoxedExpression.isSame()

interface BoxedExpressionprint()

print(): void

Output to the console a string representation of the expression.

interface BoxedExpressiontoJSON()

toJSON(): Expression

Used by JSON.stringify() to serialize this object to JSON.

Method version of expr.json.

interface BoxedExpressiontoString()

toString(): string

From Object.toString(), return a string representation of the expression. This string is suitable to be output to the console for debugging, for example. To get a LaTeX representation of the expression, use expr.latex.

Used when coercing a BoxedExpression to a String.

interface BoxedExpressionvalueOf()

valueOf(): string | number | boolean | any[]

From Object.valueOf(), return a primitive value for the expression.

If the expression is a machine number, or bignum or rational that can be converted to a machine number, return a JavaScript number.

If the expression is a symbol, return the name of the symbol as a string.

Otherwise return a JavaScript primitive representation of the expression.

Relational Operator

interface BoxedExpressionisEqual()

isEqual(rhs: BoxedExpression): boolean

Mathematical equality (strong equality), that is the value of this expression and of rhs are numerically equal.

The numeric value of both expressions are compared.

Numbers whose difference is less than engine.tolerance are considered equal. This tolerance is set when the engine.precision is changed to be such that the last two digits are ignored.

interface BoxedExpressionisGreater()

isGreater(rhs: BoxedExpression): undefined | boolean

The numeric value of both expressions are compared.

interface BoxedExpressionisGreaterEqual()

isGreaterEqual(rhs: BoxedExpression): undefined | boolean

The numeric value of both expressions are compared.

interface BoxedExpressionisLess()

isLess(rhs: BoxedExpression): undefined | boolean

If the expressions cannot be compared, return undefined

The numeric value of both expressions are compared.

interface BoxedExpressionisLessEqual()

isLessEqual(rhs: BoxedExpression): undefined | boolean

The numeric value of both expressions are compared.

interface BoxedExpressionisSame()

isSame(rhs: BoxedExpression): boolean

Structural/symbolic equality (weak equality).

ce.parse('1+x').isSame(ce.parse('x+1')) is false

Note applicable to canonical and non-canonical expressions.

interface BoxedSymbolDefinition

interface BoxedSymbolDefinitionProperties / Methods

interface BoxedSymbolDefinitiondomain: undefined | BoxedDomain

interface BoxedSymbolDefinitioninferredDomain: boolean

interface BoxedSymbolDefinitionvalue

get value(): undefined | BoxedExpression
set value(undefined | SemiBoxedExpression)

class ComputeEngine

Implements IComputeEngine

To use the CortexJS Compute Engine, create a ComputeEngine instance, or if using a mathfield, use the default Compute Engine instance from the MathfieldElement class: ce = MathfieldElement.computeEngine.

Use the instance to create boxed expressions with ce.parse() and

const ce = new ComputeEngine();
let expr = ce.parse("e^{i\\pi}");
// ➔ "-1"

expr =["Expand", ["Power", ["Add", "a", "b"], 2]]);
// ➔ "a^2 +  2ab + b^2"

class ComputeEnginenew ComputeEngine()

new ComputeEngine(options?)
ids: readonly Readonly<{[id: string]: IdentifierDefinition}>[];
numericMode: NumericMode;

The default mode is "auto". Use "machine" to perform numeric calculations using 64-bit floats. Use "bignum" to perform calculations using arbitrary precision floating point numbers. Use "auto" or "complex" to allow calculations on complex numbers.

numericPrecision: number;

Specific how many digits of precision for the numeric calculations. Default is 100.

tolerance: number;

If the absolute value of the difference of two numbers is less than tolerance, they are considered equal. Used by chop() as well.


Construct a new ComputeEngine instance.

Identifier tables define functions and symbols (in options.ids). If no table is provided the MathJSON Standard Library is used (ComputeEngine.getStandardLibrary())

The LaTeX syntax dictionary is defined in options.latexDictionary.

The order of the dictionaries matter: the definitions from the later ones override the definitions from earlier ones. The first dictionary should be the 'core' dictionary which include some basic definitions such as domains (Booleans, Numbers, etc…) that are used by later dictionaries.

class ComputeEngineProperties / Methods

class ComputeEngineAnything: BoxedDomain

class ComputeEngineBooleans: BoxedDomain

class ComputeEngineComplexInfinity: BoxedExpression

class ComputeEngineE: BoxedExpression

class ComputeEngineFalse: BoxedExpression

class ComputeEngineHalf: BoxedExpression

class ComputeEngineI: BoxedExpression

class ComputeEngineNaN: BoxedExpression

class ComputeEngineNegativeInfinity: BoxedExpression

class ComputeEngineNegativeOne: BoxedExpression

class ComputeEngineNothing: BoxedExpression

class ComputeEngineNumbers: BoxedDomain

class ComputeEngineOne: BoxedExpression

class ComputeEnginePi: BoxedExpression

class ComputeEnginePositiveInfinity: BoxedExpression

class ComputeEngineStrings: BoxedDomain

class ComputeEngineTrue: BoxedExpression

class ComputeEngineVoid: BoxedDomain

class ComputeEngineZero: BoxedExpression

class ComputeEngine_defineFunction()

_defineFunction(name: string, def: FunctionDefinition): BoxedFunctionDefinition

class ComputeEngine_defineSymbol()

_defineSymbol(name: string, def: SymbolDefinition): BoxedSymbolDefinition

class ComputeEngineadd()

Shortcut for["Add", ...]).evaluate().

class ComputeEnginearray()

array(elements: ArrayValue[] | ArrayValue[][], metadata?: Metadata): BoxedExpression

class ComputeEngineask()

Return a list of all the assumptions that match a pattern.

 ce.assume(['Element', 'x', 'PositiveIntegers');
 ce.ask(['Greater', 'x', '_val'])
 //  -> [{'val': 0}]

class ComputeEngineassign()

assign(id: string, value: AssignValue): ComputeEngine

Assign a value to an identifier in the current scope. Use undefined to reset the identifier to no value.

The identifier should be a valid MathJSON identifier not a LaTeX string.

The identifier can take the form “f(x, y”) to create a function with two parameters, “x” and “y”.

If the id was not previously declared, an automatic declaration is done. The domain of the identifier is inferred from the value. To more precisely define the domain of the identifier, use ce.declare() instead, which allows you to specify the domain, value and other attributes of the identifier.

assign(ids: {[id: string]: AssignValue}): ComputeEngine

class ComputeEngineassume()

assume(predicate: SemiBoxedExpression): AssumeResult

Add an assumption.

Note that the assumption is put into canonical form before being added.

class ComputeEngineassumptions: ExpressionMapInterface<boolean>  read only

class ComputeEnginebignum()

bignum(a: bigint | Value): Decimal

Create an arbitrary precision number.

The return value is an object with methods to perform arithmetic operations:

  • toNumber(): convert to a JavaScript number with potential loss of precision

  • add()

  • sub()

  • neg() (unary minus)

  • mul()

  • div()

  • pow()

  • sqrt() (square root)

  • cbrt() (cube root)

  • exp() (e^x)

  • log()

  • ln() (natural logarithm)

  • mod()

  • abs()

  • ceil()

  • floor()

  • round()

  • equals()

  • gt()

  • gte()

  • lt()

  • lte()

  • cos()

  • sin()

  • tanh()

  • acos()

  • asin()

  • atan()

  • cosh()

  • sinh()

  • acosh()

  • asinh()

  • atanh()

  • isFinite()

  • isInteger()

  • isNaN()

  • isNegative()

  • isPositive()

  • isZero()

  • sign() (1, 0 or -1)

class ComputeEnginebox()

box(expr, options?)
canonical: boolean | CanonicalForm | CanonicalForm[];

Return a boxed expression from the input.

class ComputeEnginecanonical()

Return a canonical version of an array of semi-boxed-expressions.

class ComputeEnginechop()

chop(n: number): number

Replace a number that is close to 0 with the exact integer 0.

How close to 0 the number has to be to be considered 0 is determined by tolerance.

chop(n: Decimal): 0 | Decimal

chop(n: Complex): 0 | Complex

class ComputeEnginecomplex()

complex(a: number | Decimal | Complex, b?: number | Decimal): Complex

Create a complex number. The return value is an object with methods to perform arithmetic operations:

  • re (real part, as a JavaScript number)
  • im (imaginary part, as a JavaScript number)
  • add()
  • sub()
  • neg() (unary minus)
  • mul()
  • div()
  • pow()
  • sqrt() (square root)
  • exp() (e^x)
  • log()
  • ln() (natural logarithm)
  • mod()
  • abs()

  • ceil()

  • floor()

  • round()

  • arg() the angle of the complex number

  • inverse() the inverse of the complex number 1/z

  • conjugate() the conjugate of the complex number

  • equals()

  • cos()

  • sin()

  • tanh()

  • acos()

  • asin()

  • atan()

  • cosh()

  • sinh()

  • acosh()

  • asinh()

  • atanh()

  • isFinite()

  • isNaN()

  • isZero()

  • sign() (1, 0 or -1)

class ComputeEnginecontext: null | RuntimeScope

The current scope.

A scope stores the definition of symbols and assumptions.

Scopes form a stack, and definitions in more recent scopes can obscure definitions from older scopes.

The ce.context property represents the current scope.

class ComputeEnginecostFunction

get costFunction(): (expr: BoxedExpression): number
set costFunction(undefined | (expr: BoxedExpression): number)

class ComputeEnginedeclare()

Declare an identifier: specify their domain, and other attributes, including optionally a value.

Once the domain of an identifier has been declared, it cannot be changed. The domain information is used to calculate the canonical form of expressions and ensure they are valid. If the domain could be changed after the fact, previously valid expressions could become invalid.

Use the Anyting domain for a very generic domain.

class ComputeEnginediv()

Shortcut for["Divide", num, denom]).evaluate()

The result is canonical.

class ComputeEnginedomain()

Return a canonical boxed domain.

If the domain is invalid, may return an ["Error"] expression

class ComputeEnginedomainError()

domainError(expectedDomain, actualDomain, where?)
where?: SemiBoxedExpression

class ComputeEngineerror()

error(message, where?)
where?: SemiBoxedExpression

Shortcut for["Error",...]).

The result is canonical.

class ComputeEngineforget()

forget(symbol: undefined | string | string[]): void

Remove all assumptions about one or more symbols

class ComputeEnginefunction()

function(head, ops, options?)
head: string
ops: SemiBoxedExpression[]
canonical: boolean;
metadata: Metadata;

class ComputeEnginegetLatexDictionary()

getLatexDictionary(domain: LibraryCategory | "all"): readonly object[]

class ComputeEnginegetStandardLibrary()

getStandardLibrary(categories: LibraryCategory | LibraryCategory[] | "all"): readonly Readonly<{[id: string]: IdentifierDefinition}>[]

Return identifier tables suitable for the specified categories, or "all" for all categories ("arithmetic", "algebra", etc…).

An identifier table defines how the symbols and function names in a MathJSON expression should be interpreted, i.e. how to evaluate and manipulate them.

class ComputeEnginehold()

Add a["Hold"] wrapper to `expr.

class ComputeEngineinv()

Shortcut for["Divide", 1, expr]).evaluate()

class ComputeEngineisBignum()

isBignum(a: unknown): a is Decimal

class ComputeEngineisComplex()

isComplex(a: unknown): a is Complex

class ComputeEngineiterationLimit: number  read only


class ComputeEnginejsonSerializationOptions

get jsonSerializationOptions(): Readonly<JsonSerializationOptions>
set jsonSerializationOptions(Partial<JsonSerializationOptions>)

Options to control the serialization to MathJSON when using BoxedExpression.json.

class ComputeEnginelatexDictionary: readonly LatexDictionaryEntry[]

class ComputeEnginelatexOptions

Options to control the serialization of MathJSON expression to LaTeX when using this.latex or this.engine.serialize().

class ComputeEnginelookupFunction()

lookupFunction(head: string | BoxedExpression, scope?: null | RuntimeScope): undefined | BoxedFunctionDefinition

Return the definition for a function matching this head.

Start looking in the current context, than up the scope chain.

This is a very rough lookup, since it doesn’t account for the domain of the argument or the codomain. However, it is useful during parsing to differentiate between symbols that might represent a function application, e.g. f vs x.

class ComputeEnginelookupSymbol()

lookupSymbol(symbol: string, wikidata?: string, scope?: RuntimeScope): undefined | BoxedSymbolDefinition

Return a matching symbol definition, starting with the current scope and going up the scope chain. Prioritize finding a match by wikidata, if provided.

class ComputeEnginemul()

Shortcut for["Multiply", ...]).evaluate()

class ComputeEngineneg()

Shortcut for["Negate", expr]).evaluate()

class ComputeEnginenumber()

number(value, options?)
  • | string
  • | number
  • | bigint
  • | Decimal
  • | Complex
  • | MathJsonNumber
  • | Rational
canonical: boolean;
metadata: Metadata;

This function tries to avoid creating a boxed number if num corresponds to a common value for which we have a shared instance (-1, 0, NaN, etc…)

class ComputeEnginenumericMode: NumericMode

The numeric evaluation mode:

"auto" Use bignum or complex numbers.
"machine" IEEE 754-2008, 64-bit floating point numbers: 52-bit mantissa, about 15 digits of precision
"bignum" Arbitrary precision floating point numbers, as provided by the “decimal.js” library
"complex" Complex number represented by two machine numbers, a real and an imaginary part, as provided by the “complex.js” library

class ComputeEnginepair()

pair(first: BoxedExpression, second: BoxedExpression, metadata?: Metadata): BoxedExpression

Shortcut for["Pair", ...])

The result is canonical.

class ComputeEngineparse()

parse(latex, options?)
latex: string
canonical: boolean | CanonicalForm | CanonicalForm[];

Parse a string of LaTeX and return a corresponding BoxedExpression.

The result may not be canonical.

parse(s, options?)
s: null
canonical: boolean | CanonicalForm | CanonicalForm[];

parse(latex, options?)
  • | null
  • | string
canonical: boolean | CanonicalForm | CanonicalForm[];
null | BoxedExpression

class ComputeEnginepattern()

class ComputeEnginepopScope()

popScope(): ComputeEngine

Remove the most recent scope from the scope stack, and set its parent scope as current.

class ComputeEnginepow()

pow(base: BoxedExpression, exponent: number | BoxedExpression | Rational): BoxedExpression

Shortcut for["Power", base, exponent]).evaluate()

class ComputeEngineprecision

get precision(): number
set precision(number | "machine")

The precision, or number of significant digits, of numeric calculations when the numeric mode is "auto" or "bignum".

To make calculations using more digits, at the cost of expanded memory usage and slower computations, set the precision higher.

If the numeric mode is not "auto" or "bignum", it is set to "auto".

Trigonometric operations are accurate for precision up to 1,000.

class ComputeEnginepushScope()

pushScope(scope?: Partial<Scope>): ComputeEngine

Create a new scope and add it to the top of the scope stack

The scope argument can be used to specify custom precision, etc… for this scope

class ComputeEnginerawJson()

rawJson(expr: BoxedExpression): Expression

class ComputeEnginerecursionLimit: number  read only


class ComputeEnginerules()

rules(rules: Rule[]): BoxedRuleSet

class ComputeEngineserialize()

serialize(x: BoxedExpression | Expression, options?: {canonical: boolean}): string

Serialize a BoxedExpression or a MathJSON expression to a LaTeX string

class ComputeEnginesqrt()

Shortcut for["Sqrt", base]).evaluate()

class ComputeEnginestats: ComputeEngineStats  read only

class ComputeEnginestrict: boolean

In strict mode (the default) the Compute Engine performs validation of domains and signature and may report errors.

When strict mode is off, results may be incorrect or generate JavaScript errors if the input is not valid.

class ComputeEnginestring()

string(s: string, metadata?: Metadata): BoxedExpression

class ComputeEngineswapScope()

swapScope(scope: null | RuntimeScope): null | RuntimeScope

Set the current scope, return the previous scope.

class ComputeEnginesymbol()

symbol(name: string, options?: {canonical: boolean; metadata: Metadata}): BoxedExpression

Return a boxed symbol

class ComputeEnginetimeLimit: number  read only


class ComputeEnginetolerance: number

Values smaller than the tolerance are considered to be zero for the purpose of comparison, i.e. if |b - a| <= tolerance, b is considered equal to a.

class ComputeEnginetuple()

tuple(elements: number[], metadata?: Metadata): BoxedExpression

Shortcut for["Tuple", ...])

The result is canonical.

tuple(elements: BoxedExpression[], metadata?: Metadata): BoxedExpression

class ComputeEngineverify()

verify(_query: SemiBoxedExpression): boolean

Answer a query based on the current assumptions.

interface ComputeEngineStats

expressions: null | Set<BoxedExpression>
highwaterMark: number
symbols: Set<BoxedExpression>

interface ExpressionMapInterface

[iterator](): IterableIterator<[BoxedExpression, U]>
clear(): void
delete(expr: BoxedExpression): void
entries(): IterableIterator<[BoxedExpression, U]>
get(expr: BoxedExpression): undefined | U
has(expr: BoxedExpression): boolean
set(expr: BoxedExpression, value: U): void

class LatexSyntax

To customize the parsing and serializing of LaTeX syntax, create a LatexSyntax instance.

class LatexSyntaxnew LatexSyntax()

new LatexSyntax(options?: NumberFormattingOptions & ParseLatexOptions & SerializeLatexOptions & {dictionary: LatexDictionary; onError: WarningSignalHandler}): LatexSyntax

class LatexSyntaxMethods / Properties

class LatexSyntaxgetDictionary()

getDictionary(domain?: LibraryCategory | "all"): readonly object[]

Return a LaTeX dictionary suitable for the specified category, or "all" for all categories ("arithmetic", "algebra", etc…).

A LaTeX dictionary is needed to translate between LaTeX and MathJSON.

Each entry in the dictionary indicate how a LaTeX token (or string of tokens) should be parsed into a MathJSON expression.

For example an entry can define that the \pi LaTeX token should map to the symbol "Pi", or that the token - should map to the function ["Negate",...] when in a prefix position and to the function ["Subtract", ...] when in an infix position.

Furthermore, the information in each dictionary entry is used to serialize the LaTeX string corresponding to a MathJSON expression.

Use the value returned by this function to the options argument of the constructor.

class LatexSyntaxparse()

parse(latex: string): Expression

class LatexSyntaxserialize()

serialize(expr: Expression): string

interface Parser

interface ParserProperties / Methods

interface ParseraddBoundary()

addBoundary(boundary: string[]): void

Boundaries are used to detect the end of an expression.

They are used for unusual syntactic constructs, for example \int \sin x dx where the dx is not an argument to the \sin function, but a boundary of the integral.

They are also useful when handling syntax errors and recovery.

For example, \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 2 { \end{bmatrix} has an extraneous {, but the parser will attempt to recover and continue parsing when it encounters the \end{bmatrix} boundary.

interface ParseratBoundary: boolean  read only

interface ParseratEnd: boolean

True if the last token has been reached. Consider also atTerminator().

interface ParseratTerminator()

atTerminator(t: undefined | Terminator): boolean

Return true if the terminator condition is met or if the last token has been reached.

interface ParserboundaryError()

boundaryError(msg: string | [string, ...Expression[]]): Expression

interface ParsercomputeEngine: IComputeEngine

interface Parsererror()

error(code, fromToken)
  • | string
  • | [string, ...Expression[]]
fromToken: number

Return an error expression with the specified code and arguments

interface Parserindex: number

The index of the current token

interface Parserlatex()

latex(start: number, end?: number): string

Return a string representation of the expression between start and end (default: the whole expression)

interface Parsermatch()

match(token: string): boolean

If the next token matches the target advance and return true. Otherwise return false

interface ParsermatchAll()

matchAll(tokens: string[]): boolean

Return true if the next tokens match the argument, an array of tokens, or null otherwise

interface ParsermatchAny()

matchAny(tokens: string[]): string

Return the next token if it matches any of the token in the argument or null otherwise

interface ParsermatchBoundary()

matchBoundary(): boolean

interface ParsermatchChar()

matchChar(): null | string

If the next token is a character, return it and advance the index This includes plain characters (e.g. ‘a’, ‘+’…), characters defined in hex (^^ and ^^^^), the \char and \unicode command.

interface ParsernextToken()

nextToken(): string

Return the next token and advance the index

interface Parseroptions: Required<ParseLatexOptions>

interface ParserparseArguments()

parseArguments(kind?: "implicit" | "enclosure", until?: Terminator): null | Expression[]

Parse an argument list, for example: (12, x+1) or \left(x\right)

  • ‘enclosure’ : will look for arguments inside an enclosure (an open/close fence) (default)
  • ‘implicit’: either an expression inside a pair of (), or just a primary (i.e. we interpret \cos x + 1 as \cos(x) + 1)

Return an array of expressions, one for each argument, or null if no argument was found.

interface ParserparseExpression()

parseExpression(until?: Partial<Terminator>): null | Expression

Parse an expression:

<expression> ::=
 | <primary> ( <infix-op> <expression> )?
 | <prefix-op> <expression>

<primary> :=
  (<number> | <symbol> | <function-call> | <matchfix-expr>)
  (<subsup> | <postfix-operator>)*

<matchfix-expr> :=
  <matchfix-op-open> <expression> <matchfix-op-close>

<function-call> ::=
  | <function><matchfix-op-group-open><expression>[',' <expression>]<matchfix-op-group-close>

This is the top-level parsing entry point.

Stop when an operator of precedence less than until.minPrec or the sequence of tokens until.tokens is encountered

until is { minPrec:0 } by default.

interface ParserparseGroup()

parseGroup(): null | Expression

Parse an expression in aLaTeX group enclosed in curly brackets {}. These are often used as arguments to LaTeX commands, for example \frac{1}{2}.

Return null if none was found Return ['Sequence'] if an empty group {} was found

interface ParserparseOptionalGroup()

parseOptionalGroup(): null | Expression

Parse an expression enclosed in a LaTeX optional group enclosed in square brackets [].

Return null if none was found.

interface ParserparsePostfixOperator()

parsePostfixOperator(lhs: null | Expression, until?: Partial<Terminator>): null | Expression

Parse a postfix operator, such as ' or !.

Prefix, infix and matchfix operators are handled by parseExpression()

interface ParserparseStringGroup()

parseStringGroup(optional?: boolean): null | string

Some LaTeX commands have arguments that are not interpreted as expressions, but as strings. For example, \begin{array}{ccc} (both array and ccc are strings), \color{red} or \operatorname{lim sup}.

If the next token is the start of a group ({), return the content of the group as a string. This may include white space, and it may need to be trimmed at the start and end of the string.

LaTeX commands are typically not allowed inside a string group (for example, \alpha would result in an error), but we do not enforce this.

If optional is true, this should be an optional group in square brackets otherwise it is a regular group in braces.

interface ParserparseSymbol()

parseSymbol(until?: Partial<Terminator>): null | Expression

A symbol can be:

  • a single-letter identifier: x
  • a single LaTeX command: \pi
  • a multi-letter identifier: \operatorname{speed}

interface ParserparseTabular()

parseTabular(): null | Expression[][]

Parse an expression in a tabular format, where rows are separated by \\ and columns by &.

Return rows of sparse columns: empty rows are indicated with Nothing, and empty cells are also indicated with Nothing.

interface ParserparseToken()

parseToken(): null | Expression

Some LaTeX commands (but not all) can accept arguments as single tokens (i.e. without braces), for example ^2, \sqrt3 or \frac12

This argument will usually be a single token, but can be a sequence of tokens (e.g. \sqrt\frac12 or \sqrt\operatorname{speed}).

The following tokens are excluded from consideration in order to fail early when encountering a likely syntax error, for example x^(2) instead of x^{2}. With ( in the list of excluded tokens, the match will fail and the error can be recovered.

The excluded tokens include !"#$%&(),/;:?@[]|~", \left, \bigl, etc…

interface Parserpeek: string

Return the next token, without advancing the index

interface ParserremoveBoundary()

removeBoundary(): void

interface ParserskipSpace()

skipSpace(): boolean

If there are any space, advance the index until a non-space is encountered

interface ParserskipVisualSpace()

skipVisualSpace(): void

Skip over “visual space” which includes space tokens, empty groups {}, and commands such as \, and \!

interface Pattern

interface PatternProperties / Methods

Dictionary Expression

Domain Properties

Expression Properties

Function Expression

Numeric Expression

String Expression

Symbol Expression


Primitive Methods

Relational Operator

Dictionary Expression

Domain Properties

Expression Properties

Function Expression

Numeric Expression

String Expression

Symbol Expression


interface Patterncount()

count(exprs: Iterable<BoxedExpression>, options?: PatternMatchOptions): number

Return the number of exprs that matched the pattern

interface Patterntest()

test(expr: BoxedExpression, options?: PatternMatchOptions): boolean

If expr matches the pattern, return true, otherwise false

Primitive Methods

Relational Operator

interface Serializer

interface SerializerProperties / Methods

interface SerializerapplyFunctionStyle()

applyFunctionStyle(expr: Expression, level: number): DelimiterScale


interface Serializercanonical: boolean

If true, apply transformations to the expression so the output doesn’t necesarily match the raw MathJSON, but is more visually pleasing and easier to read. If false, output the raw MathJSON.

interface SerializerfractionStyle()

fractionStyle(expr: Expression, level: number): "quotient" | "block-quotient" | "inline-quotient" | "inline-solidus" | "nice-solidus" | "reciprocal" | "factor"

interface SerializergroupStyle()

groupStyle(expr: Expression, level: number): DelimiterScale

interface Serializerlevel: number

“depth” of the expression:

  • 0 for the root
  • 1 for the arguments of the root
  • 2 for the arguments of the arguments of the root
  • etc…

This allows for variation of the LaTeX serialized based on the depth of the expression, for example using \Bigl( for the top level, and \bigl( or ( for others.

interface SerializerlogicStyle()

logicStyle(expr: Expression, level: number): "boolean" | "word" | "uppercase-word" | "punctuation"

interface SerializernumericSetStyle()

numericSetStyle(expr: Expression, level: number): "compact" | "regular" | "interval" | "set-builder"

interface SerializeronError: WarningSignalHandler

interface Serializeroptions: Required<SerializeLatexOptions>

interface SerializerpowerStyle()

powerStyle(expr: Expression, level: number): "quotient" | "solidus" | "root"

interface SerializerrootStyle()

rootStyle(expr: Expression, level: number): "radical" | "quotient" | "solidus"

interface Serializerserialize()

serialize(expr: null | Expression): string

Output a LaTeX string representing the expression

interface SerializerserializeFunction()

serializeFunction(expr: Expression): string

interface SerializerserializeSymbol()

serializeSymbol(expr: Expression): string

interface Serializerwrap()

wrap(expr: null | Expression, prec?: number): string

Add a group fence around the expression if it is an operator of precedence less than or equal to prec.

interface SerializerwrapArguments()

wrapArguments(expr: Expression): string

A string with the arguments of expr fenced appropriately and separated by commas.

interface SerializerwrapShort()

wrapShort(expr: null | Expression): string

Add a group fence around the expression if it is short (not a function)

interface SerializerwrapString()

wrapString(s: string, style: DelimiterScale, delimiters?: string): string

Output s surrounded by delimiters.

If delimiters is not specified, use ()


















version: ""

module compute-engineTypes


  • | boolean
  • | number
  • | string
  • | Decimal
  • | Complex
  • | BoxedExpression
  • | undefined



  • | "internal-error"
  • | "not-a-predicate"
  • | "contradiction"
  • | "tautology"
  • | "ok"


description: string | string[];

A short (about 1 line) description. May contain Markdown.

url: string;

A URL pointing to more information about this symbol or head.

wikidata: string;

A short string representing an entry in a wikibase.

For example Q167 is the wikidata entry for the Pi constant.


Maps a string of LaTeX tokens to a function or symbol and vice-versa.

name: string;

Map a MathJSON function or symbol name to this entry.

Each entry should have at least a name or a parse handler.

An entry with no name cannot be serialized: the name is used to map a MathJSON function or symbol name to the appropriate entry for serializing. However, an entry with no name can be used to define a synonym (for example for the symbol \varnothing which is a synonym for \emptyset).

If no parse handler is provided, only the trigger is used to select this entry. Otherwise, if the trigger of the entry matches the current token, the parse handler is invoked.

serialize: LatexString | SerializeHandler;

Transform an expression into a LaTeX string. If no serialize handler is provided, the trigger property is used



inferredSignature: boolean;
optParams: BoxedDomain[];
params: BoxedDomain[];
restParam: BoxedDomain;
result: BoxedDomain | (ce: IComputeEngine, args: BoxedExpression[]): BoxedDomain | null | undefined;
N?: (ce: IComputeEngine, args: BoxedExpression[]): undefined | BoxedExpression;
canonical?: (ce: IComputeEngine, args: BoxedExpression[]): null | BoxedExpression;
compile?: (expr: BoxedExpression): CompiledExpression;
evalDimension?: (ce: IComputeEngine, args: BoxedExpression[]): BoxedExpression;
evaluate?: (ce: IComputeEngine, args: BoxedExpression[]): undefined | BoxedExpression;
sgn?: (ce: IComputeEngine, args: BoxedExpression[]): undefined | 0 | 1 | -1;
simplify?: (ce: IComputeEngine, args: BoxedExpression[]): undefined | BoxedExpression;


condition: undefined | PatternConditionFunction;
id: string;
match: Pattern;
priority: number;
replace: BoxedExpression | PatternReplaceFunction;




  • | "InvisibleOperator"
  • | "Number"
  • | "Multiply"
  • | "Add"
  • | "Power"
  • | "Divide"
  • | "Flatten"
  • | "Order"


The handlers are the primitive operations that can be performed on collections.

There are two types of collections:

  • finite collections, such as lists, tuples, sets, matrices, etc… The size() handler of finite collections returns the number of elements
  • infinite collections, such as sequences, ranges, etc… The size() handler of infinite collections returns Infinity Infinite collections are not indexable, they have no at() handler.

at: (expr: BoxedExpression, index: string | number): undefined | BoxedExpression;

Return the element at the specified index. The first element is at(1), the last element is at(-1). If the index is <0, return the element at index size() + index + 1. The index can also be a string for example for dictionaries. If the index is invalid, return undefined.

indexOf: (expr: BoxedExpression, target: BoxedExpression, from?: number): undefined | string | number;

Return the index of the first element that matches the target expression. The comparison is done using the target.isEqual() method. If the expression is not found, return undefined. If the expression is found, return the index, 1-based. If the expression is found multiple times, return the index of the first match.

From is the starting index for the search. If negative, start from the end and search backwards.

iterator: (expr: BoxedExpression, start?: number, count?: number): Iterator<BoxedExpression, undefined, undefined>;

Return an iterator

  • start is optional and is a 1-based index.
  • if start is not specified, start from index 1
  • count is optional and is the number of elements to return
  • if count is not specified or negative, return all the elements from start to the end

If there is a keys() handler, there is no iterator() handler.

keys: (expr: BoxedExpression): undefined | Iterator<string, any, undefined>;

If the collection is indexed by strings, return the valid values for the index.

size: (expr: BoxedExpression): number;

Return the number of elements in the collection. An empty collection has a size of 0.


evaluate?: (scope: {[symbol: string]: BoxedExpression}): number | BoxedExpression;



Open and close delimiters that can be used with MatchfixEntry record to define new LaTeX dictionary entries.

  • | ")"
  • | "("
  • | "]"
  • | "["
  • | "{"
  • | "}"
  • | "<"
  • | ">"
  • | "|"
  • | "||"
  • | "\lceil"
  • | "\rceil"
  • | "\lfloor"
  • | "\rfloor"


  • | "normal"
  • | "scaled"
  • | "big"
  • | "none"


  • | "covariant"
  • | "contravariant"
  • | "bivariant"
  • | "invariant"


A domain constructor is the head of a domain expression.

  • | "FunctionOf"
  • | "ListOf"
  • | "DictionaryOf"
  • | "TupleOf"
  • | "Intersection"
  • | "Union"
  • | "OptArg"
  • | "VarArg"
  • | "Covariant"
  • | "Contravariant"
  • | "Bivariant"
  • | "Invariant"


<T> =


  • | "Anything"
  • | "Values"
  • | "Domains"
  • | "Void"
  • | "NothingDomain"
  • | "Booleans"
  • | "Strings"
  • | "Symbols"
  • | "Collections"
  • | "Lists"
  • | "Dictionaries"
  • | "Sequences"
  • | "Tuples"
  • | "Sets"
  • | "Functions"
  • | "Predicates"
  • | "LogicOperators"
  • | "RelationalOperators"
  • | "NumericFunctions"
  • | "RealFunctions"
  • | "Numbers"
  • | "ComplexNumbers"
  • | "ExtendedRealNumbers"
  • | "ImaginaryNumbers"
  • | "Integers"
  • | "Rationals"
  • | "PositiveNumbers"
  • | "PositiveIntegers"
  • | "NegativeNumbers"
  • | "NegativeIntegers"
  • | "NonNegativeNumbers"
  • | "NonNegativeIntegers"
  • | "NonPositiveNumbers"
  • | "NonPositiveIntegers"
  • | "ExtendedComplexNumbers"
  • | "TranscendentalNumbers"
  • | "AlgebraicNumbers"
  • | "RationalNumbers"
  • | "RealNumbers"


A LaTeX dictionary entry for an environment, that is a LaTeX construct using \begin{...}...\end{...}.


(parser: Parser, until?: Readonly<Terminator>): Expression | null


Options for BoxedExpression.evaluate()

numericMode: boolean;



(parser: Parser, until?: Readonly<Terminator>): Expression | null


Definition record for a function.

  • BaseDefinition &
  • Partial<CollectionHandlers> &
  • Partial<FunctionDefinitionFlags> &
  • complexity: number;

    A number used to order arguments.

    Argument with higher complexity are placed after arguments with lower complexity when ordered canonically in commutative functions.

    • Additive functions: 1000-1999
    • Multiplicative functions: 2000-2999
    • Root and power functions: 3000-3999
    • Log functions: 4000-4999
    • Trigonometric functions: 5000-5999
    • Hypertrigonometric functions: 6000-6999
    • Special functions (factorial, Gamma, …): 7000-7999
    • Collections: 8000-8999
    • Inert and styling: 9000-9999
    • Logic: 10000-10999
    • Relational: 11000-11999

    Default: 100,000

    hold: Hold;
    • "none" Each of the arguments is evaluated (default)
    • "all" None of the arguments are evaluated and they are passed as is
    • "first" The first argument is not evaluated, the others are
    • "rest" The first argument is evaluated, the others aren’t
    • "last": The last argument is not evaluated, the others are
    • "most": All the arguments are evaluated, except the last one

    Default: "none"

    signature: FunctionSignature;


A function definition can have some flags to indicate specific properties of the function.

associative: boolean;

If true, ["f", ["f", a], b] simplifies to ["f", a, b]

Default: false

commutative: boolean;

If true, ["f", a, b] equals ["f", b, a]. The canonical version of the function will order the arguments.

Default: false

idempotent: boolean;

If true, ["f", ["f", x]] simplifies to ["f", x].

Default: false

inert: boolean;

An inert function evaluates directly to one of its argument, typically the first one. They may be used to provide formating hints, but do not affect simplification or evaluation.

Default: false

involution: boolean;

If true, ["f", ["f", x]] simplifies to x.

Default: false

numeric: boolean;

All the arguments of a numeric function are numeric, and its value is numeric.

pure: boolean;

If true, the value of this function is always the same for a given set of arguments and it has no side effects.

An expression using this function is pure if the function and all its arguments are pure.

For example Sin is pure, Random isn’t.

This information may be used to cache the value of expressions.

Default: true

threadable: boolean;

If true, the function is applied element by element to lists, matrices (["List"] or ["Tuple"] expressions) and equations (relational operators).

Default: false


A function is an identifier followed by:

  • some postfix operators such as \prime
  • an optional list of arguments in an enclosure (parentheses)

For more complex situations, for example implicit arguments or inverse functions postfix (i.e. ^{-1}), use a custom parse handler with a entry of kind expression.


(parser: Parser, until?: Readonly<Terminator>): Expression | null


domain: DomainExpression;

The domain of this signature, a domain compatible with the Functions domain).


Use params, optParams, restParam and result instead

evaluate: SemiBoxedExpression | (ce: IComputeEngine, args: BoxedExpression[]): BoxedExpression | undefined;

Evaluate a function expression.

The arguments have been evaluated, except the arguments to which a hold applied.

It is not necessary to further simplify or evaluate the arguments.

If performing numerical calculations, if all the arguments are exact, return an exact expression. If any of the arguments is not exact, that is if it is a literal decimal (non-integer) number, return an approximation. In this case, the value may be the same as expr.N().

When doing an exact calculation:

  • do not reduce rational numbers to decimal (floating point approximation)
  • do not down convert bignums to machine numbers
  • do not reduce square roots of rational numbers
  • do not reduce constants with a holdUntil attribute of "N"

If the expression cannot be evaluated, due to the values, domains, or assumptions about its arguments, for example, return undefined or an ["Error"] expression.

optParams: DomainExpression[];
params: DomainExpression[];
restParam: DomainExpression;
result: DomainExpression | (ce: IComputeEngine, args: BoxedDomain[]): BoxedDomain | null | undefined;

The domain of the result of the function. Either a domain expression, or a function that returns a boxed domain.

N?: (ce: IComputeEngine, args: BoxedExpression[]): undefined | BoxedExpression;

Evaluate numerically a function expression.

The arguments args have been simplified and evaluated, numerically if possible, except the arguments to which a hold apply.

The arguments may be a combination of numbers, symbolic expressions and other expressions.

Perform as many calculations as possible, and return the result.

Return undefined if there isn’t enough information to perform the evaluation, for example one of the arguments is a symbol with no value. If the handler returns undefined, symbolic evaluation of the expression will be returned instead to the caller.

Return NaN if there is enough information to perform the evaluation, but a literal argument is out of range or not of the expected type.

Use the value of ce.numericMode to determine how to perform the numeric evaluation.

Note that regardless of the current value of ce.numericMode, the arguments may be boxed numbers representing machine numbers, bignum numbers, complex numbers, rationals or big rationals.

If the numeric mode does not allow complex numbers (the engine.numericMode is not "complex" or "auto") and the result of the evaluation would be a complex number, return NaN instead.

If ce.numericMode is "bignum" or "auto" the evaluation should be done using bignums.

Otherwise, ce.numericMode is `“machine”, the evaluation should be performed using machine numbers.

You may perform any necessary computations, including approximate calculations on floating point numbers.

canonical?: (ce: IComputeEngine, args: BoxedExpression[]): null | BoxedExpression;

Return the canonical form of the expression with the arguments args.

The arguments (args) may not be in canonical form. If necessary, they can be put in canonical form.

This handler should validate the domain and number of the arguments.

If a required argument is missing, it should be indicated with a ["Error", "'missing"] expression. If more arguments than expected are present, this should be indicated with an [“Error”, “‘unexpected-argument’”]` error expression

If the domain of an argument is not compatible, it should be indicated with an incompatible-domain error.

["Sequence"] expressions are not folded and need to be handled explicitly.

If the function is associative, idempotent or an involution, this handler should account for it. Notably, if it is commutative, the arguments should be sorted in canonical order.

The handler can make transformations based on the value of the arguments that are exact and literal (i.e. arg.numericValue !== null && arg.isExact).

Values of symbols should not be substituted, unless they have a holdUntil attribute of "never".

The handler should not consider the value or any assumptions about any of the arguments that are symbols or functions (i.e. arg.isZero, arg.isInteger, etc…) since those may change over time.

The result of the handler should be a canonical expression.

If the arguments do not match, they should be replaced with an appropriate ["Error"] expression. If the expression cannot be put in canonical form, the handler should return null.

compile?: (expr: BoxedExpression): CompiledExpression;

Return a compiled (optimized) expression.

evalDimension?: (ce: IComputeEngine, args: BoxedExpression[]): BoxedExpression;

Dimensional analysis

sgn?: (ce: IComputeEngine, args: BoxedExpression[]): undefined | 0 | 1 | -1;

Return the sign of the function expression.

simplify?: (ce: IComputeEngine, args: BoxedExpression[]): undefined | BoxedExpression;

Rewrite an expression into a simpler form.

The arguments are in canonical form and have been simplified.

The handler can use the values assigned to symbols and the assumptions about symbols, for example with arg.numericValue, arg.isInteger or arg.isPositive.

Even though a symbol may not have a value, there may be some information about it reflected for example in this.isZero or this.isPrime.

The handler should not perform approximate numeric calculations, such as calculations involving decimal numbers (non-integers). Making exact calculations on integers or rationals is OK.

Do not reduce constants with a holdUntil attribute of "N" or "evaluate".

This handler should not have any side-effects: do not modify the environment of the ComputeEngine instance, do not perform I/O, do not do calculations that depend on random values.

If no simplification can be performed due to the values, domains or assumptions about its arguments, for example, return undefined.


  • | "none"
  • | "all"
  • | "first"
  • | "rest"
  • | "last"
  • | "most"


A table mapping identifiers to their definition.

Identifiers should be valid MathJSON identifiers. In addition, the following rules are recommended:

  • Use only latin letters, digits and -: /[a-zA-Z0-9-]+/
  • The first character should be a letter: /^[a-zA-Z]/
  • Functions and symbols exported from a library should start with an uppercase letter /^[A-Z]/

If a semi boxed expression



  • BaseEntry &
  • Trigger &
  • associativity: "right" | "left" | "non" | "both";
    • both: a + b + c +(a, b, c)
    • left: a / b / c -> /(/(a, b), c)
    • right: a = b = c -> =(a, =(b, c))
    • non: a < b < c -> syntax error
    • a both-associative operator has an unlimited number of arguments
    • a left, right or non associative operator has at most two arguments
    kind: "infix";

    Infix position, with an operand before and an operand after: a ⊛ b.

    Example: +, \times.

    parse: string | InfixParseHandler;
    precedence: Precedence;


(parser: Parser, lhs: Expression, until: Readonly<Terminator>): Expression | null


Options to control the serialization to MathJSON when using BoxedExpression.json.

exclude: string[];

A list of space separated function names that should be excluded from the JSON output.

Those functions are replaced with an equivalent, for example, Square with Power, etc…

Possible values include Sqrt, Root, Square, Exp, Subtract, Rational, Complex

Default: [] (none)

metadata: ("all" | "wikidata" | "latex")[];

A list of space separated keywords indicating which metadata should be included in the MathJSON. If metadata is included, shorthand notation is not used.

Default: [] (none)

precision: "auto" | "max" | number;

Number literals are serialized with this precision. If "auto", the same precision as the compute engine calculations is used If "max", all available digits are serialized

Default: "auto"

repeatingDecimals: boolean;

If true, repeating decimals are detected and serialized accordingly For example:

  • 1.3333333333333333 ( \to ) 1.(3)
  • 0.142857142857142857142857142857142857142857142857142 ( \to ) 0.(1428571)

Default: true

shorthands: ("all" | "number" | "symbol" | "function" | "dictionary" | "string")[];

A list of space separated keywords indicating which MathJSON expressions can use a shorthand.

Default: ["all"]


  • | "{expression}"
  • | "[expression]"
  • | "{text}"
  • | "[text]"
  • | "{unit}"
  • | "[unit]"
  • | "{glue}"
  • | "[glue]"
  • | "{string}"
  • | "[string]"
  • | "{color}"
  • | "[color]"





A LaTeX string starts and end with $, for example "$\frac{\pi}{2}$".



A LatexToken is a token as returned by Scanner.peek.

It can be one of the indicated tokens, or a string that starts with a \ for LaTeX commands, or a LaTeX character which includes digits, letters and punctuation.

  • | string
  • | "<{>"
  • | "<}>"
  • | "<space>"
  • | "<$>"
  • | "<$$>"


  • | "algebra"
  • | "arithmetic"
  • | "calculus"
  • | "collections"
  • | "control-structures"
  • | "combinatorics"
  • | "complex"
  • | "core"
  • | "data-structures"
  • | "dimensions"
  • | "domains"
  • | "linear-algebra"
  • | "logic"
  • | "numeric"
  • | "other"
  • | "physics"
  • | "polynomials"
  • | "relop"
  • | "sets"
  • | "statistics"
  • | "styling"
  • | "symbols"
  • | "trigonometry"
  • | "units"


  • BaseEntry &
  • closeTrigger: Delimiter | LatexToken[];
    kind: "matchfix";
    openTrigger: Delimiter | LatexToken[];

    If kind is 'matchfix': the openTrigger and closeTrigger properties are required.

    parse: MatchfixParseHandler;

    When invoked, the parser is pointing after the close delimiter. The argument of the handler is the body, i.e. the content between the open delimiter and the close delimiter.


(parser: Parser, body: Expression): Expression | null


Metadata that can be associated with a BoxedExpression

latex: string;
wikidata: string;


avoidExponentsInRange: undefined | null | [negativeExponent: number, positiveExponent: number];
beginExponentMarker: LatexString;
beginRepeatingDigits: LatexString;
decimalMarker: LatexString;

A string representing the decimal marker, the string separating the whole portion of a number from the fractional portion, i.e. the ‘.’ in ‘3.1415’.

Some countries use a comma rather than a dot. In this case it is recommended to use "{,}" as the marker: the surrounding brackets ensure there is no additional gap after the comma.

Default: "."

endExponentMarker: LatexString;
endRepeatingDigits: LatexString;
exponentProduct: LatexString;
groupSeparator: LatexString;

A string representing the separator between groups of digits, used to improve readability of numbers with lots of digits.

If you change it to another value, be aware that this may lead to unexpected results. For example, if changing it to , the expression \operatorname{Hypot}(1,2) will parse as ["Hypot", 1.2] rather than ["Hypot", 1, 2].

Default: "\\," (thin space, 3/18mu) (Resolution 7 of the 1948 CGPM)

imaginaryUnit: LatexString;
negativeInfinity: LatexString;
notANumber: LatexString;
notation: "engineering" | "auto" | "scientific";
positiveInfinity: LatexString;
precision: number;
truncationMarker: LatexString;


When used in a SymbolDefinition, these flags are optional.

If provided, they will override the value derived from the symbol’s value.

For example, it might be useful to override algebraic = false for a transcendental number.

NaN: boolean | undefined;
algebraic: boolean | undefined;
complex: boolean | undefined;
composite: boolean | undefined;
even: boolean | undefined;
extendedComplex: boolean | undefined;
extendedReal: boolean | undefined;
finite: boolean | undefined;
imaginary: boolean | undefined;
infinity: boolean | undefined;
integer: boolean | undefined;
negative: boolean | undefined;
negativeOne: boolean | undefined;
nonNegative: boolean | undefined;
nonPositive: boolean | undefined;
notZero: boolean | undefined;
number: boolean | undefined;
odd: boolean | undefined;
one: boolean | undefined;
positive: boolean | undefined;
prime: boolean | undefined;
rational: boolean | undefined;
real: boolean | undefined;
zero: boolean | undefined;


The numeric evaluation mode:

"auto" Use bignum or complex numbers.
"machine" IEEE 754-2008, 64-bit floating point numbers: 52-bit mantissa, about 15 digits of precision
"bignum" Arbitrary precision floating point numbers, as provided by the “decimal.js” library
"complex" Complex number represented by two machine numbers, a real and an imaginary part, as provided by the “complex.js” library

  • | "auto"
  • | "machine"
  • | "bignum"
  • | "complex"


parseArgumentsOfUnknownLatexCommands: boolean;

When an unknown LaTeX command is encountered, attempt to parse any arguments it may have.

For example, \foo{x+1} would produce ['\foo', ['Add', 'x', 1]] if this property is true, ['LatexSymbols', '\foo', '<{>', 'x', '+', 1, '<{>'] otherwise.

parseNumbers: "auto" | "rational" | "decimal" | "never";

When parsing a decimal number (e.g. 3.1415):

  • "auto" or "decimal": if a decimal number parse it as an approximate decimal number with a whole part and a fractional part
  • "rational": if a decimal number, parse it as an exact rational number with a numerator and a denominator. If not a decimal number, parse it as a regular number.
  • "never": do not parse numbers, instead return each token making up the number (minus sign, digits, decimal marker, etc…).

Note: if the number includes repeating digits (e.g. 1.33(333)), it will be parsed as a decimal number even if this setting is "rational".

Default: "auto"

preserveLatex: boolean;

If true, the expression will be decorated with the LaTeX fragments corresponding to each elements of the expression.

The top-level expression, that is the one returned by parse(), will include the verbatim LaTeX input that was parsed. The sub-expressions may contain a slightly different LaTeX, for example with consecutive spaces replaced by one, with comments removed and with some low-level LaTeX commands replaced, for example \egroup and \bgroup.

Default: false

skipSpace: boolean;

If true, ignore space characters in math mode.

Default: true

parseUnknownIdentifier: (identifier: string, parser: Parser): "symbol" | "function" | "unknown";

This handler is invoked when the parser encounters an identifier that does not have a corresponding entry in the dictionary.

The identifier argument is a valid identifier (see for the definition of a valid identifier).

The handler can return:

  • "symbol": the identifier is a constant or variable name.

  • "function": the identifier is a function name. If an apply function operator (typically, parentheses) follow, they will be parsed as arguments to the function.

  • "unknown": the identifier is not recognized.


(wildcards: BoxedSubstitution, ce: IComputeEngine): boolean


Control how a pattern is matched to an expression.

  • substitution: if present, assumes these values for the named wildcards, and ensure that subsequent occurence of the same wildcard have the same value.
  • recursive: if true, match recursively, otherwise match only the top level.
  • numericTolerance: if present, the tolerance for numeric comparison.
  • exact: if true, only match expressions that are structurally identical. If false, match expressions that are structurally identical or equivalent. For example, when false, ["Add", '_a', 2] matches 2, with a value of _a of 0. If true, the expression does not match.

exact: boolean;
numericTolerance: number;
recursive: boolean;
substitution: BoxedSubstitution;




(parser: Parser, lhs: Expression, until?: Readonly<Terminator>): Expression | null



The precedence of an operator is a number that indicates the order in which operators are applied.

For example, in 1 + 2 * 3, the * operator has a higher precedence than the + operator, so it is applied first.

The precedence range from 0 to 1000. The larger the number, the higher the precedence, the more “binding” the operator is.

Here are some rough ranges for the precedence:

  • 800: prefix and postfix operators: \lnot etc…
    • POSTFIX_PRECEDENCE = 810: !, '
  • 700: some arithmetic operators
  • 600: some binary operators
    • DIVISION_PRECEDENCE = 600: \div
  • 500: not used
  • 400: not used
  • 300: some logic and arithmetic operators: \land, \lor, \times, etc…
  • 200: arithmetic operators, inequalities:
    • ADDITION_PRECEDENCE = 275: + -
    • ARROW_PRECEDENCE = 270: \to \rightarrow
    • COMPARISON_PRECEDENCE = 245: \lt \gt
    • 241: \leq
  • 100: not used
  • 0: ,, ;, etc…

Some constants are defined below for common precedence values.

Note: MathML defines some operator precedence, but it has some issues and inconsistencies. However, whenever possible we adopted the MathML precedence. See

For reference, the JavaScript operator precedence is documented here:




(parser: Parser, until?: Readonly<Terminator>): Expression | null


  • | [number, number]
  • | [bigint, bigint]


iterationLimit: number;

If iterationLimit > 1, the rules will be repeatedly applied until no rules apply, up to maxIterations times.

Note that if once is true, maxIterations has no effect.

Default: 1

once: boolean;

If true, stop after the first rule that matches.

If false, apply all the remaining rules even after the first match.

Default: true

recursive: boolean;

If true, apply replacement rules to all sub-expressions. If false, only consider the top-level expression.

Default: true


A rule describes how to modify an expressions that matches a pattern match into a new expression replace.

x-1 ( \to ) 1-x (x+1)(x-1) ( \to ) `x^2-1

The match pattern can be expressed as a LaTeX string or a MathJSON expression.

Anonymous wildcards (_) will match any expression. Named wildcards (_x, _a, etc…) will match any expression and bind the expression to the wildcard name.

In addition the sequence wildcard (__1, __a, etc…) will match a sequence of one or more expressions, and bind the sequence to the wildcard name.


The entries have been validated and optimized for faster evaluation.

When a new scope is created with pushScope() or when creating a new engine instance, new instances of this type are created as needed.



A scope is a set of names in a dictionary that are bound (defined) in a MathJSON expression.

Scopes are arranged in a stack structure. When an expression that defined a new scope is evaluated, the new scope is added to the scope stack. Outside of the expression, the scope is removed from the scope stack.

The scope stack is used to resolve symbols, and it is possible for a scope to ‘mask’ definitions from previous scopes.

Scopes are lexical (also called a static scope): they are defined based on where they are in an expression, they are not determined at runtime.

iterationLimit: number;

Signal iteration-limit-exceeded when the iteration limit in a loop is exceeded. Default: no limits.

memoryLimit: number;

Signal out-of-memory when the memory usage for this scope is exceeded.

Memory is in Megabytes, default: 1Mb.

recursionLimit: number;

Signal recursion-depth-exceeded when the recursion depth for this scope is exceeded.

timeLimit: number;

Signal timeout when the execution time for this scope is exceeded.

Time in seconds, default 2s.


A semi boxed expression is an MathJSON expression which can include some boxed terms.

This is convenient when creating new expressions from portions of an existing BoxedExpression while avoiding unboxing and reboxing.

  • | number
  • | string
  • | Decimal
  • | Complex
  • | MathJsonNumber
  • | MathJsonString
  • | MathJsonSymbol
  • | MathJsonFunction
  • | MathJsonDictionary
  • | SemiBoxedExpression[]
  • | BoxedExpression


(serializer: Serializer, expr: Expression): string


invisibleMultiply: LatexString;

LaTeX string used to render an invisible multiply, e.g. in ‘2x’.

Leave it empty to join the adjacent terms, i.e. 2x.

Use \cdot to insert a \cdot operator between them, i.e. 2\cdot x.

Empty by default.

invisiblePlus: LatexString;

LaTeX string used for an invisible plus with mixed numbers e.g. in ‘1 3/4’.

Leave it empty to join the main number and the fraction, i.e. render it as 1\frac{3}{4}.

Use + to insert an explicit + operator between them, i.e. 1+\frac{3}{4}

Empty by default.

missingSymbol: LatexString;

When an expression contains the error expression ["Error", 'missing'], serialize it with this LaTeX string

multiply: LatexString;

LaTeX string used for an explicit multiply operator,

Default: \times

applyFunctionStyle: (expr: Expression, level: number): DelimiterScale;
fractionStyle: (expr: Expression, level: number): "quotient" | "block-quotient" | "inline-quotient" | "inline-solidus" | "nice-solidus" | "reciprocal" | "factor";
groupStyle: (expr: Expression, level: number): DelimiterScale;
logicStyle: (expr: Expression, level: number): "boolean" | "word" | "uppercase-word" | "punctuation";
numericSetStyle: (expr: Expression, level: number): "compact" | "regular" | "interval" | "set-builder";
powerStyle: (expr: Expression, level: number): "quotient" | "solidus" | "root";
rootStyle: (expr: Expression, level: number): "radical" | "quotient" | "solidus";


Options for BoxedExpression.simplify()

recursive: boolean;
rules: BoxedRuleSet;


A substitution describes the values of the wildcards in a pattern so that the pattern is equal to a target expression.

A substitution can also be considered a more constrained version of a rule whose lhs is always a symbol.

<T> =
[symbol: string]: T}


constant: boolean;

If true the value of the symbol is constant. The value or domain of symbols with this attribute set to true cannot be changed.

If false, the symbol is a variable.

Default: false

holdUntil: "never" | "simplify" | "evaluate" | "N";

If the symbol has a value, it is held as indicated in the table below. A green checkmark indicate that the symbol is substituted.

| Operation | "never" | "simplify" | "evaluate" | "N" | | :— | :----- | | canonical()| (X) | | | | | simplify() | (X) | (X) | | | | evaluate() | (X) | (X) | (X) | | | "N()" | (X) | (X) | (X) | (X) |

Some examples:

  • i has holdUntil: 'never'
  • GoldenRatio has holdUntil: 'simplify' (symbolic constant)
  • x has holdUntil: 'evaluate' (variables)
  • Pi has holdUntil: 'N' (special numeric constant)

Default: evaluate


A bound symbol (i.e. one with an associated definition) has either a domain (e.g. ∀ x ∈ ℝ), a value (x = 5) or both (π: value = 3.14… domain = TranscendentalNumbers)



(parser: Parser, until?: Readonly<Terminator>): Expression | null


This indicates a condition under which parsing should stop:

  • an operator of a precedence higher than specified has been encountered
  • the last token has been reached
  • or if a condition is provided, the condition returns true;

minPrec: Precedence;
condition?: (parser: Parser): boolean;


The trigger is the set of tokens that will make this record eligible to parse the stream and generate an expression. If the trigger matches, the parse handler is called, if available.

The trigger can be specified either as a LaTeX string (latexTrigger) or as an identifier (identifierTrigger), which can be wrapped in a LaTeX command, for example \operatorname{mod} or \mathbin{gcd}, with "gcd" being the identifierTrigger.

matchfix operators use openTrigger and closeTrigger instead.

identifierTrigger: string;
latexTrigger: LatexString | LatexToken[];
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