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Custom Functions and Symbols

The MathJSON Standard Library is a collection of definitions for symbols and functions such as Pi, Add, Sin, Power, List, etc...

In this guide we discuss how to augment the MathJSON Standard Library with your own definitions.


When a new symbol or function is encountered in an expression, the Compute Engine will look up its definition in the set of known identifiers, including the Standard Library.

Automatic Declaration

If the identifier is found, the definition associated with it will be used to evaluate the expression.

If the identifier is not found, an automatic declaration will be made of the identifier as a symbol of type unknown, or a more specific type if the context allows it.

To provide a more explicit definition for the identifier, you can define it using a LaTeX expression, or an explicit declaration using the ce.declare() or ce.assign() methods.

Declarations are Scoped

The declaration of an identifier is done within a scope. A scope is a hierarchical collection of definitions.

Definitions Using LaTeX

The simplest way to define a new symbol or function is to use LaTeX.

For example, to define a new symbol m with a value of 42, use the following LaTeX expression:

ce.parse("m := 42").evaluate();
// ➔ 42

Note: the assignment expression must be evaluated to take effect.

To define a new function f that multiplies its argument by 2, use the following LaTeX expression:

ce.parse("f(x) := 2x").evaluate();
// ➔ 6

The \mapsto operator is an alternative syntax to define a function:

ce.parse("f := x \\mapsto 2x").evaluate();
// ➔ 6

To define multiletter symbols, use the \operatorname{} command:

ce.parse('\\operatorname{double}(x) := 2x').evaluate().print();
// ➔ 6

Note: you can also use the \mathrm{} or \mathit{} commands to wrap multiletter symbols.

The LaTeX identifiers are mapped to MathJSON identifiers. For example, the LaTeX \operatorname{double} is mapped to the MathJSON identifier double.'\\operatorname{double}(3)').json);
// ➔ ["double", 3]

Explicit Declarations

To have more control over the definition of a symbol or function, use the ce.declare() and ce.assign() methods.

When declaring a symbol or function, you can specify the type of the symbol or signature of the function, its value or body, and other properties.

// Declaring a symbol "m"
ce.declare("m", { type: "integer", value: 42 });

// Declaring a function "f"
ce.declare("f", {
signature: "number -> number",
evaluate: ce.parse("x \\mapsto 2x"),

Defining a Symbol

To prevent the value of a symbol from being changed, set the constant property to true:

ce.declare("m_e", {
value: 9.1e-31,
constant: true,

If you do not provide a type property for a symbol, the type will be inferred from the value of the symbol. If no type and no value are provided, the type will be unknown.

To provide the type of the identifier, without associating it with a value, use the following syntax:

ce.declare("n", "integer");

As a shorthand, a symbol can be declated by assigning it a value using ce.assign():

ce.assign("m", 42);

If the symbol was not previously defined, this is equivalent to:

ce.declare("m", { value: 42 });

Alternatively:"m").value = 42;

Defining a Function

To define a function, associate an evaluate handler, which is the body of the function, with the function declaration.

ce.declare("double", { evaluate: ce.parse("x \\mapsto 2x") });

The evaluate handler can be either a MathJSON expression as above or a JavaScript function.

ce.declare("double", { evaluate: ([x]) => x.mul(2) });

The signature of the evaluate handler is (args[], options), where:

  • args: an array of the arguments that have been applied to the function. Each argument is a boxed expression. The array may be empty if there are no arguments.
  • options: an object literal which includes an engine property that is the Compute Engine instance that is evaluating the expression and a numericApproximation property that is true if the result should be a numeric approximation.

Since args is an array, you can use destructuring to get the arguments:

ce.declare("double", { evaluate: (args) => args[0].mul(2) });

// or
ce.declare("double", { evaluate: ([x]) => x.mul(2) });

In addition to the evaluate handler the function definition can include a signature type that describes the arguments and return value of the function.

ce.declare("double", {
signature: "number -> number",
evaluate: ([x]) => x.mul(2),

See FunctionDefinition for more details on the other handlers and properties that can be provided when defining a function.

To define a function without specifying a body for it, specify the signature of the function as the second argument of ce.declare() or use the "function" type.

ce.declare("double", "function" );

Functions that do not have an evaluate handler remain unchanged when evaluated.

You can set the body of the function later using ce.assign():

When using ce.assign() to define a function, the value can be a JavaScript function, a MathJSON expression or a LaTeX expression.

ce.assign("double", ([x]) => x.mul(2));

ce.assign("double", ["Function", ["Multiply", "x", 2], "x"]);

ce.assign("double",ce.parse("x \\mapsto 2x"));

Defining Multiple Functions and Symbols

To define multiple functions and symbols, use the ce.declare() method with a dictionary of definitions.


The keys to ce.declare() (m, f, etc...) are MathJSON identifiers, not LaTeX commands. For example, if you have a symbol α, use alpha, not \alpha

m: { type: "number", value: 5 },
f: { type: "function" },
g: { type: "function" },
Smallfrac: {
signature: "(number, number) -> number",
evaluate: ([x,y]) => x.div(y),

To assign multiple functions and symbols, use the ce.assign() method with a dictionary of values.

"m": 10,
"f(x)": ce.parse("x^2 + x + 41"),
"g(t)": ce.parse("t^3 + t^2 + 17"),