Numeric Evaluation
To obtain an exact numeric evaluation of an expression use expr.evaluate()
To obtain a numeric approximation use expr.N()
Exact Evaluation
An evaluation with expr.evaluate()
preserves exact values.
Exact values are:
Type | Examples |
Integers | 42 , -1234 |
Rationals | \nicefrac{3}{4} , -\nicefrac{11}{7} |
Square Roots of Integers | \sqrt{2} , -3\sqrt{5} |
Constants | e (ExponentialE ), \pi (Pi ) |
Numeric Approximation
To force the evaluation of an expression to be a numeric approximation, use expr.N()
When using expr.evaluate()
, if one of the arguments is not an exact value
the expression is automatically evaluated as a numeric approximation.
JavaScript Interoperability
The result of expr.evaluate()
and expr.N()
is a boxed expression.
The numericValue
property of this expression is either a machine number
(a JavaScript number
), a NumericValue
object or null
if the expression
is not a number.
While a NumericValue
object can represent arbitrary precision numbers, for
use with JavaScript, a reduced precision approximation can be accessed using
the re
(for the real part of the number) and im
(for the imaginary part)
const expr = ce.parse('1/3 + 1/4');
// ➔ 0.5833333333333334
Another way to obtain a JavaScript compatible representation of an expression
is to use the value
property of the boxed expression.
const expr = ce.parse('1/3 + 1/4');
// ➔ 0.5833333333333334
Unlike the .re
property, the .value
property can also return a boolean
a string
, depending on the value of the expression.
The value
property of a boxed expression can be used in JavaScript
To get a boxed number from a JavaScript number, use
or ce.number()
Numeric Precision
The number of significant digits used in numeric calculations is controlled
by the ce.precision
property of the ComputeEngine
The default precision is 21.
To set the precision to the default value, use ce.precision = "auto"
Machine Precision
If the precision is 15 or less, the Compute Engine uses a 64-bit binary floating point format for its internal calculations.
This format is implemented in hardware and well suited to do fast computations. It uses a fixed amount of memory and represent significant digits in base-2 with about 15 digits of precision and with a minimum value of
\pm1.7976931348623157\times 10^{+308}
To change the precision to machine precision, use
ce.precision = "machine"
With this precision, some calculations that have a value very close to 0
may return 0 and some calculations that have a value greater than the
maximum value representable by a machine number may return \pm\infty
Some numeric evaluations using machine numbers cannot produce exact results.
ce.precision = 'machine';
console.log(ce.parse('0.1 + 0.2').N().json);
// ➔ "0.30000000000000004"
While 0.1
and 0.2
look like "round numbers" in base-10, they can
only be represented by an approximation in base-2, which introduces cascading
errors when manipulating them.
Arbitrary Precision
If ce.precision
is greater than 15, numbers are represented as bignum numbers,
a string of base-10 digits and an exponent.
Bignum numbers have a minimum value of
\pm9.99999\ldots \times 10^{+9\,000\,000\,000\,000\,000}
ce.precision = 21;
console.log(ce.parse('0.1 + 0.2').N().json);
// ➔ "0.3"
Trigonometric operations are accurate for precision up to 1,000.
The precision
property affects how the computations are performed, but not how
they are serialized.
To change the number of digits when serializing to LaTeX, use
expr.toLatex({ precision: 6 })
to set it to 6 significant digits, for
The LaTeX precision is adjusted automatically when the precision
is changed so
that the display precision is never greater than the computation precision.
When the precision is greater than 15, the return value of expr.N().json
be a MathJSON number that looks like this:
"num": "3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944
Repeated Evaluation
To repeatedly evaluate an expression use ce.assign()
to change the value
of variables. ce.assign()
changes the value associated with one or more
variables in the current scope.
You can also use expr.subs()
, but this will create a brand new expression on
each iteration, and will be much slower.
To reset a variable to be unbound to a value use ce.assign()
To change the value of a variable set its value
ce.symbol('x').value = 5;
ce.symbol('x').value = undefined;
If performance is important, the expression can be compiled to a JavaScript
To get a compiled version of an expression use the expr.compile()
const expr = ce.parse("3x^2+4x+2");
const fn = expr.compile();
for (const x = 0; x < 1; x += 0.01) console.log(fn({ x }));
The syntax {x}
is a shortcut for {"x": x}
, in other words it defines an
argument named "x"
(which is used in the definition of the expression expr
with the value of the JavaScript variable x
(which is used in the for loop).
This will usually result in a much faster evaluation than using expr.N()
this approach has some limitations.
Simplifying Before Evaluating
When using expr.N()
, no rewriting of the expression is done before it is
Because of the limitations of machine numbers, this may produce surprising results.
For example:
ce.precision = "machine";
const x = ce.parse("0.1 + 0.2").N();
console.log(["Subtract", x, x]).N());
// ➔ 2.7755575615628914e-17
However, the result of x - x
from ce.simplify()
is 0
since the
simplification is done symbolically, before any floating point calculations are
const x = ce.parse('0.1 + 0.2').N();
console.log(ce.parse('x - x').simplify());
// ➔ 0
In some cases, it may be advantageous to invoke expr.simplify()
before using
Two numbers that are sufficiently close to each other are considered equal.
To control how close two numbers have to be before they are considered
equal, set the tolerance
property of a ComputeEngine
By default, the tolerance is 10^{-10}
The tolerance is accounted for by the Chop
function to determine when to
replace a number of a small magnitude with the exact integer 0.
It is also used when doing some comparison to zero: a number whose absolute value is smaller than the tolerance will be considered equal to 0.
Numeric Functions
The topics below from the MathJSON Standard Library can provide numeric evaluations for their numeric functions:
Topic | Symbols/Functions |
Arithmetic | Add Multiply Power Exp Log ExponentialE ImaginaryUnit ... |
Calculus | Derivative Integrate ... |
Complex | Real Conjugate , ComplexRoots ... |
Special Functions | Gamma Factorial ... |
Statistics | StandardDeviation Mean Erf ... |
Trigonometry | Pi Cos Sin Tan ... |