
The CortexJS Compute Engine produces and manipulates symbolic expressions such as numbers, constants, variables and functions.

In the CortexJS Compute Engine, expressions are represented internally using the MathJSON format.

They are wrapped in a JavaScript object, a process called boxing, and the resulting expressions are Boxed Expressions.

Boxed Expressions improve performance by implementing caching to avoid repetitive calculations. They also ensure that expressions are valid and in a standard format.

Unlike the plain data types used by JSON, Boxed Expressions allow an IDE, such as VSCode Studio, to provide suitable hints in the editor regarding which methods and properties are available for a given expression.

Boxed Expression can be created from a LaTeX string or from a raw MathJSON expression.


To create a Boxed Expression from a MathJSON expression, use the function.

The input of can be:

  • a MathJSON expression
  • a BoxedExpression (in which case it is returned as-is)
  • a SemiBoxedExpression, that is a MathJSON expression with some of its subexpressions already boxed.

The result is an instance of a BoxedExpression.

By default, returns a canonical expression. See Canonical Expressions for more info.

let expr =;
// ➔ 1729

// ➔ true

expr ={ num: "+Infinity" });
// ➔ +\infty

expr =["Add", 3, "x"]);
// ➔ "Add"

To create a Boxed Expression from a LaTeX string, call the ce.parse() function.

const expr = ce.parse("3 + x + y");
// ➔ "Add"

// ➔ ["Add", 3, "x", "y"]

By default, ce.parse() returns a canonical expression. See Canonical Expressions for more info.

To get a Boxed Expression representing the content of a MathLive mathfield use the mf.expression property:

const mf = document.getElementById("input");
mf.value = "\\frac{10}{5}";
const expr = mf.expression;
// ➔ 2


To access the MathJSON expression of a boxed expression as plain JSON, use the expr.json property. This property is an “unboxed” version of the expression.

const expr =["Add", 3, "x"]);
// ➔ ["Add", 3, "x"]

To customize the format of the MathJSON expression returned by expr.json use the ce.jsonSerializationOptions property.

Use this option to control:

  • which metadata, if any, should be included
  • whether to use shorthand notation
  • to exclude some functions.

See JsonSerializationOptions for more info about the formatting options available.

const expr = ce.parse("2 + \\frac{q}{p}");
// ➔ ["Add", 2, ["Divide", "q", "p"]]

ce.jsonSerializationOptions = {
  exclude: ["Divide"], // Don't use `Divide` functions,
  // use `Multiply`/`Power` instead
  shorthands: [], // Don't use any shorthands

// ➔ ["fn": ["Add", ["num": "2"],
//      ["fn": ["Multiply",
//        ["sym": "q"],
//        ["fn": ["Power", ["sym": "p"], ["num": "-1"]]]]
//      ]
//    ]]

Canonical Expressions

The canonical form of an expression is a conventional way of writing an expression.

For example, the canonical form of a fraction of two integers is a reduced rational number, written as a tuple of two integers, such that the GCD of the numerator and denominator is 1, and the denominator is positive.

const expr = ce.parse("\\frac{30}{-50}");
// ➔ ["Rational", -3, 5]

The canonical form of a rational with a denominator of 1 is an integer.

const expr = ce.parse("\\frac{17}{1}");
// ➔ 17

You can check if a non-canonical expression is a reduced (canonical) rational number by checking the GCD of the numerator and denominator:

const input = ce.parse("\\frac{30}{50}", {canonical: false});
  ["GCD", ["NumeratorDenominator", input]]
).evaluate().value === 1);
// ➔ false

The canonical form of an addition or multiplication will have its arguments ordered in a canonical way.

const expr = ce.parse("2+x+\\pi+\\sqrt2+1");
// ➔ ["Add", "Pi", ["Sqrt", 2], "x", 1, 2]

By default, and ce.parse() produce a canonical expression.

To get a non-canonical expression instead, use, {canonical: false}) or ce.parse(latex, {canonical: false}).

const expr = "\\frac{30}{-50}";

// canonical form ➔ ["Rational", -3, 5]

ce.parse(expr, { canonical: false });
// non-canonical form ➔ ["Divide", 30, -50]

To obtain the canonical representation of an expression, use expr.canonical.

A non-canonical expression may include errors as a result of parsing from LaTeX, if the LaTeX input contained LaTeX syntax errors.

A canonical expression may include additional errors compared to a non-canonical expression, for example ["Divide", 2, 5, 6] (three arguments instead of two), ["Add", 2, "True"] (mismatched argument domain, expected a number but got a boolean).

The canonical form of an expression which is not valid will include one or more ["Error"] expressions indicating the nature of the problem.

To check if an expression contains errors use expr.isValid.

When doing this check on a canonical expression it takes into consideration not only possible syntax errors, but also semantic errors (incorrect number or domain of arguments, etc…).


Unless otherwise specified, expressions are immutable.

The functions that manipulate Boxed Expressions, such as expr.simplify(), expr.evaluate(), expr.N() return a new Boxed Expression, without modifying expr.

However, the properties of the expression may change, since some of them may depend on contextual information which can change over time.

For example, expr.isPositive may return undefined if nothing is known about a symbol. But if an assumption about the symbol is made later, or a value assigned to it, then expr.isPositive may take a different value.

const expr ="x");
// ➔ undefined

ce.assume("x > 0");
// ➔ true

What doesn’t change is the fact that expr represents the symbol "x".

Pure Expressions

A pure expression is an expression whose value is fixed. Evaluating it produces no side effect.

The \( \sin() \) function is pure: it evaluates to the same value when the same arguments are applied to it.

On the other hand, the \( \operatorname{Random}() \) function is not pure: by its nature it evaluates to a different value on every evaluation.

Numbers, symbols and strings are pure. A function expression is pure if the function itself is pure, and all its arguments are pure as well.

To check if an expression is pure, use expr.isPure.

Checking the Kind of Expression

To identify if an expression is a number, symbol, function, string or dictionary, use the following boolean expressions:

Kind Boolean Expression
Number expr.numericValue !== null
Symbol expr.symbol !== null
expr.head === "Symbol"
Function expr.ops !== null
String expr.string !== null
expr.head === "String"
Dictionary expr.keys !== null
expr.head === "Dictionary"

The value of expr.numericValue may be:

  • typeof expr.numericValue === "number": the expression is a JavaScript number
  • ce.isBignum(expr.numericValue): the expression is a bignum. Use expr.numericValue.toNumber() to convert it to a JavaScript number.
  • ce.isComplex(expr.numericValue): the expression is a complex number. Use and to access the real and imaginary parts.
  • Array.isArray(expr.numericValue): the expression is a rational as a tuple of two JavaScript number or two JavaScript bigint.

To access a the value of an expression as a JavaScript primitive, use expr.value. The result is a JavaScript primitive, such as a number, string or boolean.


Sometimes, things go wrong.

When something goes wrong the Compute Engine uses an ["Error", <cause>, <location>] expression.

The <cause> argument provides details about the nature of the problem. This can be either a string or an ["ErrorCode"] expression if there are additional arguments to the error.

For example if the problem is that an argument of a function expression is a boolean when a number was expected, an expression such as ["Error", ["ErrorCode", "'incompatible-domain'", "Numbers", "Booleans"]] could be returned.

The <location> argument indicates the context of the error. This can be a ["Latex"] expression when the problem occurred while parsing a LaTeX string, or another expression if the problem was detected later.

Parsing Errors

When parsing a LaTeX expression, the Compute Engine uses the maximum effort doctrine. That is, even partially complete expressions are parsed, and as much of the input as possible is reflected in the MathJSON result.

If required operands are missing (the denominator of a fraction, for example), a ["Error", ""missing""] error expression is inserted where the missing operand should have been.

Problems that occur while parsing a LaTeX string will usually indicate a LaTeX syntax error or typo: missing }, mistyped command name, etc…

Semantic Errors

Some errors are not caught until an expression is bound, that is until an attempt is made to associate its symbol or function identifiers to a definition. This could include errors such as missing or mismatched arguments.

Some errors that could be considered LaTeX syntax errors may not surface until binding occurs.

For example \frac{1}{2=x} (instead of \frac{1}{2}=x) will be parsed as ["Divide", 1, ["Equal", 2, x]]. The fact that the second argument of the "Divide" function is a boolean and not a number will not be detected until the definition for "Divide" has been located.

Name binding is done lazily, not upon boxing. To force the binding to occur, request the canonical version of the expression.

To check if an expression includes an ["Error"] subexpression check the expr.isValid property.

To get the list of all the ["Error"] subexpression use the expr.errors property.

Error Code Meaning
syntax-error the parsing could not continue
missing an expression was expected
expected-expression an expression was expected inside an enclosure (parentheses)
unexpected-command the command is unknown, or not applicable in the current parsing context
unexpected-token the character does not apply to the current parsing context
incompatible-domain the argument provided does not match the expected domain
unexpected-argument too many arguments provided
expected-argument not enough arguments provided
invalid-identifier the identifier cannot be used (see MathJSON Symbols)
invalid-domain the domain is not a valid domain literal or domain expression
expected-closing-delimiter a closing } was expected, but is missing
unexpected-closing-delimiter a closing } was encountered, but not expected
expected-environment-name the name of an environment should be provided with a \begin or \end command
unknown-environment the environment name provided cannot be parsed
unbalanced-environment the named used with the \begin and \end commands should match
unexpected-operator the operator does not apply to the current parsing context. Could be an infix or postfix operator without a rhs.
unexpected-digit the string included some characters outside of the range of expected digits
expected-string-argument the argument was expected to be a string
unexpected-base the base is outside of the expected range (2…36)
iteration-limit-exceeded a loop has reached the maximum iteration limit
// ➔ ["Error", ["ErrorCode","'unexpected-command'","'\\oops'"], ["Latex","'\\oops'"]

// ➔  ["Add",
//        ["Error",
//          ["ErrorCode","'unexpected-command'","'\\oops'"],
//          ["Latex","'\\oops{bar}'"]
//        ],
//        2
//    ]

// ➔ ["Error",["ErrorCode","'unknown-environment'",""oops""],["Latex","'\\\\begin{oops}\\\\end{oops}'"]

// ➔ ["Add", 1 ,["Sqrt", ["Error", ""missing""]]]

// ➔ ["Add", 1, ["Divide", 2, ["Error",""missing""]]]

// ➔ ["Add", 1, ["Delimiter", ["Equal", 2, 2]]]

// ➔ ["Add",
//      1,
//      ["Error",
//          ["ErrorCode", "'incompatible-domain'", "Numbers", "Booleans"],
//          ["Delimiter", ["Equal", 2, 2]]
//      ],
//      3
//    ]

console.log(ce.parse("\\times 3").json);
// ➔ ["Sequence", ["Error", ["ErrorCode", "'unexpected-operator'", "'\\times'"], ["Latex","'\\times'"]], 3]

// ➔ ["Add", ["Subscript", "x", ["Error","'syntax-error'", ["Latex","'_'"]]], 1]

// ➔ ["Subscript", "x", ["Error", "'expected-closing-delimiter'", ["Latex","'{a'"]]]

// ➔ ["Sequence", "x", ["Error", ["ErrorCode", "'unexpected-token'", "'@'"], ["Latex", "'@2'"]]]