Add MathLive to Your Project

As discussed in Getting Started the simplest way to use MathLive is by loading it from a CDN.

In this section we’ll discuss other options for adding a mathfield to a web page.

Using MathLive with JavaScript Modules

In addition to MathfieldElement, the MathLive library provide some functions such as renderMathInDocument().

To access those functions, import them from the MathLive module.

JavaScript modules offer several benefits (asynchronous, deterministics loading, no pollution of the global namespace, etc…). They are the recommended approach to use MathLive APIs in your project.

To use MathLive as a JavaScript module:

  1. Include a <script> tag, with a type="module" attribute
  2. In the body of this <script> tag, use an import directive pointing to a CDN URL for MathLive, such as // If your target browser supports it, you can also use the import() function for a dynamic import.

Note: The ?module suffix indicates to the CDN we need the ESM (module) version of MathLive, not the UMD version.

  1. Invoke a MathLive API, such as renderMathInDocument().

With this setup MathLive will dynamically insert one or more stylesheets in the page, as needed, for example when a mathfield is created. MathLive will dynamically download the required fonts from the CDN as well.

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <script type="module">
    window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => 
      import("//").then((mathlive) => 

If this option works for you, you can move on to the MathLive SDK reference to find out how to customize mathfields, receive change notifications, define keyboard shortcuts, use custom macros and more.

The section below discuss additional options to load MathLive for more complex configurations.

Using NPM

If you need…

  • to use MathLive with TypeScript
  • to bundle MathLive with other code
  • to integrate MathLive with your asset pipeline
  • to support older browsers
  • more control over network caching of the MathLive library and its assets

…then you should use a version of MathLive installed from NPM instead of from a CDN.

To add a local version of MathLive to your project, use the following command:

$ npm install --save mathlive

After you’ve completed this step, you can use MathLive as any other modules in your project:

import { MathfieldElement } from 'mathlive';
const mfe = new MathfieldElement();

Your bundler/transpiler (for example esbuild, Rollup, WebPack, Babel, TypeScript) will locate the MathLive library in the node_modules directory and apply the necessary transformations to it, as per the settings in your project.

Note: Make sure the contents of the /fonts/ and /sounds/ folder are copied to your build output directory.

Using <script> Tags

If you need to support browsers that don’t support JavaScript modules, you can use a <script> tag to load a UMD version of the MathLive library.

A few things to note:

  1. After loading the script, the global MathLive object will provide access to the MathLive API. Unlike with modules, you may run into situations where the scripts are loaded out of order therefore the MathLive global may be undefined by the time your script is run.
  2. Just like with modules, the necessary stylesheets and fonts will be loaded when required.
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script src=""></script>
        () => MathLive.renderMathInDocument()

Checking the Version of MathLive

The version of MathLive currently loaded can be obtained with:


For more recent versions of MathLive, this is also available as:


MathLive Library Files

If you need to incorporate the MathLive library files directly into your project (for example if you are building a standalone application), you can obtain those files either from npm (see above) or from a CDN, for example

The /dist folder inside MathLive contains the various flavors of libraries and assets required to use MathLive

The .mjs suffix indicates ESM/module versions. The .min tag indicates a “minified” version. The ones without .min are more legible and may be useful for debugging.

File Usage
dist/fonts The fonts required to render MathLive content
dist/sounds The optional sound files used when typing on the virtual keyboard
dist/mathlive.min.mjs MathLive library, as a JavScript module, minified
dist/mathlive.mjs MathLive library, as a JavScript module, not minified, useful for debugging
dist/mathlive.min.js MathLive library, as a UMD package if your environment doesn’t support modules, minified
dist/mathlive.js MathLive library, as a UMD package if your environment doesn’t support modules, not minified, useful for debugging
dist/mathlive-ssr.min.mjs A subset of the MathLive library which can be used on the server side or in environments that do not have a DOM. Does not include the MathfieldElement, but does include functions such as convertLatexToMarkup()
dist/mathlive-static.css A stylesheet which can be used when the MathLive library is not loaded to display markup that has been rendered by the MathLive library previously. Rarely needed.
dist/types The TypeScript declaration files. Not needed at runtime.

Controlling the Location of the fonts Folder

In order to display mathfields correctly a set of specialized math fonts must be available. These fonts are provided as part of the MathLive SDK and they are located in a directory called fonts located next to the MathLive library.

If the global setup of your project requires a different organization, for example locating all the static assets in an /assets/ directory and all the JavaScript code in a /js/ directory, you can specify where those assets can be found using the fontsDirectory static property.

  MathfieldElement.fontsDirectory = "../assets/mathlive-fonts";

The MathfieldElement variable is a global variable available after the MathLive library has been loaded. It is attached to globalThis, that is the window object, and does not need to be imported explicitly

The path used by fontsDirectory is a path relative to the bundled runtime location of the directory containting the MathLive library.

In the example above, if the MathLive library is in a /js/ directory and the MathLive fonts are in a /assets/mathlive-fonts/ directory, then the relative path from the JavaScript directory to the fonts directory is ../assets/mathlive-fonts.

The MathfieldElement.soundsDirectory property can similarly be set to point to the sound file assets.

Integrating with a Bundler or an Asset Pipeline

In some cases, simply pointing MathLive to the directory where the fonts can be located might not be enough. For example, some bundlers, such as WebPack, can modify the names of the files containting assets, including a hash string in order to provide more control of the caching of those assets.

In this case, you should include the stylesheet mathlive-fonts.css to your project. You can find this stylesheet in the dist folder on GitHub or in the mathlive folder in your node_modules directory.

If you import this stylesheet, use import mathliveStyle from "mathlive/fonts.css"

This stylesheet will explicitly load the required font files. Because your bundler will be able to parse it, it will do the necessary changes to the font files such as renaming them with the appropriate hash string and adapting the path to reflect their actual location after processing by the asset pipeline.

The MathLive library will detect if you include the mathlive-fonts.css stylesheet in your page and will not attempt to dynamically load the fonts, relying instead on the regular process to do so. This may result in some redrawing of formulas, or incorrect drawing while the browser completes the font loading.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="mathlive-fonts.css" />
    <math-field>\tan(x) = \frac{\sin \theta}{\cos \theta}</math-field>
    <script src='./vendor/mathlive.min.js'></script>

Creating Mathfield Elements Programmatically

To add an editable mathfield to a document use a <math-field> tag:


If you need to add a mathfield to your DOM dynamically, you can create new mathfield DOM elements and add them to the DOM.

To create a mathfield element programatically, use new MathfieldElement().

const mfe = new MathfieldElement();
mfe.value = '\\frac{\\pi}{2}';

In JavaScript, the \ in a string must be escaped and the escape character is also \. So, in JavaScript strings LaTeX commands start with a \\.

Displaying Non-Editable Formulas

While MathLive is primarily a math editor, the same engine that renders an interactive math formula can also render “static” formulas in a web page, along the lines of what the MathJax or KaTeX libraries provide.

To render a non-editable formula, use renderMathInDocument()

The renderMathInDocument() will parse the DOM and converts LaTeX or MathASCII strings it finds into corresponding HTML markup. The options argument of renderMathInDocument() can control the delimiters it considers, as well as which DOM elements to consider or skip. The necessary stylesheet and fonts will be injected in the current page.

To generate markup for a formula, use convertLatexToMarkup(). You may save the output or return it from a server-side process.

To correctly display this markup, import the stylesheet with import "mathlive/static.css". The stylesheet can be found in dist/mathlive-static.css.

When using this method, the MathLive library is not necessary to render the formula once the markup has been generated.

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <div id="formula"></div>
  <script type="module">
    window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => 
      import('').then((mathlive) => {
        document.getElementById("formula").innerHTML = 

Optimizing Load Performance

Loading a page with web components involve a complex set of steps. If there are many mathfields in a page, this may result in visible layout shifts as the components and their dependencies, the fonts required in particular, get fully loaded.

In most cases, the impact on loading performance is minimal and it is not worth taking steps to reduce it. However, follow the steps below for the smoothest loading experience.

First, provide a hint to the browser that a set of fonts will be needed. This helps prioritize the order in which they are loaded so that they are ready and available by the time the mathfield component is rendered.

To preload the fonts, include a series of <link> tags in the page <header> section. The href attributes should be modified to point to where the fonts are located. You can also use the fonts from a CDN.

Second, include the "mathlive-fonts.css" stylesheet. This will instruct the browser to make the fonts available for use in the page. Use another <link> tag in the <head> section to do so.

Finally, set the visibility of the <body> of the page to "hidden" until the mathfield custom elements have been connected to the page.

The code snippets below demonstrate how to do this.

<!-- Before </body> -->
<script type="module">
  customElements.whenDefined('math-field').then(() => 
<!-- In the <head> section -->
  body {
    visibility: hidden;
  body.ready {
    visibility: visible;
<link rel="preload" as="font" crossorigin
<link rel="preload" as="font" crossorigin
<link rel="preload" as="font" crossorigin
  href="../fonts/KaTeX_Caligraphic-Regular.woff2" />
<link rel="preload" as="font" crossorigin
<link rel="preload" as="font" crossorigin
<link rel="preload" as="font" crossorigin
<link rel="preload" as="font" crossorigin
<link rel="preload" as="font" crossorigin
<link rel="preload" as="font" crossorigin
<link rel="preload" as="font" crossorigin
<link rel="preload" as="font" crossorigin
<link rel="preload" as="font" crossorigin
<link rel="preload" as="font" crossorigin
<link rel="preload" as="font" crossorigin
<link rel="preload" as="font" crossorigin
<link rel="preload" as="font" crossorigin
<link rel="preload" as="font" crossorigin
<link rel="preload" as="font" crossorigin
<link rel="preload" as="font" crossorigin
<link rel="preload" as="font" crossorigin
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../mathlive-fonts.css" />